Saturday, June 30, 2007

Of CGIs and Animes

Alright, this is a review post.

First up is Transformers!

The movie was awesome, with excellent stunts and special effects. I'll cut things short, definitely a must watch. Especially loved the part where they tried to humour the audience with giant robots trying to look small. Heh..

Just a small question for you to ponder on :

When the Allspark sends radiation to any mechanical object, it becomes a transformer. That's what is told in the story. So people, beware of your Nokia phones. They have a gun inside.

And oh yeah, beware of vending machines. They might suddenly transform into a Transformer that shoots coke cans as projectiles from their cannon.

( Ever wondered where the weapons from these Earth-made transformers came from? )

Score : 4.3


Animayshiun! Animayshiun!!!!!!

Been watching two animes lately, namely 'Love Hina' and 'Elfen Lied'.

Love Hina

Love Hina is a kind of romance story with loads of slapstick humour. It is also a rather weird and totally random anime where everything unimaginable becomes imaginable. Such as.. flying turtles that go 'meow'.

Overall, its also a 'should watch' as its really an eye candy to the audience. But beware though, thought the actual anime does offer some mild soft hentai ( anime pornography ), its not exactly really explicit and meant more towards humour ( such as the guy often accidentally stumbles into the girls bathroom without realizing it, and get the crap beaten out of him. ) Not for extra conservative people ;)

From what I know, the manga is extremely explicit. So I would avoid it. And it costs RM32 per book for English edition. Even the price is explicit. -_-

Genre : Harem comedy ( one guy, lots of girls, one house, lots of romance. You get it )

Total Episodes : 24 + 1 episodes, 1 Christmas special, 1 Spring special and 3 Love Hina Again! episodes.

Score : 4.1

Elfen Lied

In German it literally translates into 'Elf Song', this is a really really MUST MUST WATCH!!

Wait wait...

Haha, this is a dark themed anime. There's extremely lots of blood and gore, and nudity that is not explicit. More towards like.. a scientific experiment with human, and they're usually girls. So you understand um.. the speciment is tied up naked and sort of stuff like that. Not explicit to me anyway, but if you really get turned on by those, you should see a psychiatrist for extreme obscene sexual thoughts.

Warning again : Lots of blood and gore.

The opening theme is very nice. Based on German Church and sort of prayer like, the singer sounds almost ethereal and, well, I like the music box of 'Lilium' very very much. If you want to listen to it, check up on Youtube, type it under 'Lilium' and listen to the 'Saint version'. The 'Saint Version' is the full version of about 3 minutes long, and the normal 'Lilium' is only 1 and a half minutes.

The music box version of 'Lilium' is nice though! Its so... calming and beautiful.

I would say this is a thought provoking anime, one that really makes you wonder about cruelty in conducting experiments on lifeforms. Watch it if you want, but you have been warned. I couldn't get enough of it, kind of short at 13+1 episodes for an anime.

Too bad they are not published in English manga. I would buy if even if its RM32 -_-"

Though I did hear the manga was seriously lacking compared to the anime.

Genre : Dark, psychological, blood and gore, with a tinge of romance. Overall, I would say a BEAUTIFUL story!

Total episodes : 13+1

Score : 4.7

For both animes, the stories in the manga and the anime actually differed slightly. The plot's been changed, but the animes are good. As for mangas, I have checked around the net, everyone says that for Love Hina the climax is much more satisfactory, but for Elfen Lied it does offer much explanation though is slightly anticlimatic.

I am avoiding the Love Hina manga lest I get mistaken for a sex maniac :P ( its THAT explicit )


On another note, I will be going to KL later this morning. Registration for INTEC is going to be on Sunday. Then I will start my AUSMAT course.

*SIGH* Well, hope I do well to get into New Zealand!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you know that day when i asked you to go to MV but you couldn't?


i went about 2pm (the meeting was supposed to be 11am), and joshua was the only person who turned up. then we separated cuz we needed to do some shopping and promised to call if anyone else turns up

and guess what. NO ONE CAME! CONSPIRACY YOU KNOW! it's like one big unfunny gotcha.

eh good luck in INTEC lah. hopefully the next time i ask you out to be together-gether gotcha-ed you'll be able to make it!
