Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So I have started reading

Richard Dawkins. The Greatest Show on Earth. At 'work'.

And the first chapter covers definition and pretty much bitching a bit.

According to Mr.Dawkins, 40% of Americans do not believe in Evolution. They believe in what is known as Creationism, that is everybody just sprang into existence, each discrete and unique i.e. designed entirely by God to be different.

Now, 40% is huge. That's 2 out of 5. And the other 3 are not necessarily evolution fans I guess.

And what do I think of it? I don't know. Pretty much Evolution is the only thing I was thought, and I have not given much thought to this. I follow the philosophical trend of 'nothing is absolute. Science is entirely fallible'. But even then, I feel empathy when Mr. Dawkins mentioned that scientists are not given the due credibility. In some sense that is agreeable I guess.

But to say all life sprang into existence within a week =/ even if we were to go all philosophical about this, while it does not violate any of my philosophical thoughts, it does sound counter intuitive and reeks of religious ideas. Not my idea of common sense nor process anyway.



Edit 29/12/10
I find Mr Dawkins to be a funny man. His usage of words is excellent in that it politely yells at you 'YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT IF YOU BELIEVE OTHERWISE'

Edit 29/12/10 (2)
Ain't no drama like ToraDora

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Drying your hands can be a Dilemma too!

Today after washing my hands, I proceeded to dry them. But it struck me.

If I use paper, I have to consider the trees that are felled. Deforestation, animal habitats destroyed, greenhouse effect etc comes to mind.

So I went to the dryer. But hey,

If I use the dryer, I have to consider the environmental damage caused by electricity generation. All the mining, combustion that releases gases, death of miners, flooding from dams, etc.

So I stood there for a good two minutes considering my alternatives.

... and I wiped my half dry hands on my shirt and walked out the toilet.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

in case you didn't know

but you guys are so outnumbered...

time to change profile pic no?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


That's 5 a's out of 6 vowels. Spoiler alert if you do watch the series and haven't completed it.

It ended, with the lead's dying wish to spread the way of greeting people with 'Cheerio!' throughout ancient Japan. Cute. It is used with the wrong meaning in this sense. Cuter.

Final episode questioned heaps, though not exactly too directly relevant to our interests. But I liked it nonetheless, since the core can be added with the details to make them relevant.

I loved this series, and liked the author's style with stories. Looking forward to more quality work from NisioisiN (which if you read backwards and forwards, is the same. Cool pen name eh?)

Saturday, December 11, 2010


So what do you do when you are bored?

I was bored out of my wits these past few days. My internship doesn't start until Monday, and I have no commitments. At all.

To be honest though, I seriously appreciate the boredom. Being bored is a luxury; finding things to occupy our time and satiate the otherwise empty feeling is a natural thing to do I guess.

But time is as transient as it gets to me (unless I am in great pain. Relativity!). When I get bored, my body shuts down slowly. I get lethargic. I get sleepy. I get listless. I get disinterested. And the weather here in Malaysia doesn't help. At all. I wonder how I grew up until 19 in this climate?

The odd thing being, while my body functions in the most unhealthy manner after a few days of bumming around being bored, my mind for one did not stop spinning new tales, new worlds, new ideas. While I sat there being bored and watching the wall, I was simultaneously in another world. Slaying monsters, debating, researching in a thought lab, pondering on science and philosophy. If I could find the time and effort to pen them down, no matter how gibberish.

All these thinking done without moving. Oh heck I haven't cut my fingernails. That's been 3 days since I thought of it, and its really long.

When my internship starts, I wonder when can I afford such luxury again? Being bored that is.

Truly, life is not defined as crying the first five years, studying the next 20, working the next 30 and crying till you reach the grave. Might as well be an android. Android 2.1 maybe?

All these, while pondering the fact that matter blinks in and out of existence. That is experimentally observed in two pieces of electrically charged plates with supposed vacuum between them and well sealed. And naturally, people begin to think that our universe is perhaps something that blinks in and out of existence, just as the 'blinking matter' that exists for nanoseconds. Relativity I guess.

On another note, books really are cheaper here huh? Anybody know the price for 'History of Western Philosophy' by Bertrand Russell and where?

Sunday, December 05, 2010


Um, yeah...

I am back in the sweltering hot hellish food heaven tropics, and the first thing I do after a snack, a shower and some family chat is to update my blog. How dedicated am I?

Enjoyed Melbourne heaps. I saw

More Penguins

That made a fortnight. Seriously.