Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fat guys! I bring hope!

It is scientifically unproven! But this Indian dude I saw just went on ahead with it!

Well, if you are worrying about your Battle of the Bulge, here's the solution to your simple problem!

Ever felt that that tummy is ruining the way you look in every kind of clothes? Ever felt that you want to stop wearing baggy clothes for once? Then go ahead!

I saw this quite fat Indian dude today downtown. My aunt was driving btw. He wore a shirt so tight, I could see his nipples and navel and EVERY STRAND OF HAIR on him. I was like.. 'Oh my god..... this guy looks like.. wtf man..' I told my aunt and she began laughing so hard I felt insecure sitting in the car while she drove.

Ya know, the shirt was so tight, he looked like he had blue ( the shirt was blue btw ) skin instead of normal skin colour. Know those porey-porey shirts that are a bit like singlets? He was wearing them, and the pores are over stretched xD

You gotta admire him man.. walking around half naked. I wanted to take a photo of how absurd he looks, but I was afraid he might suddenly turn around and look at me, then go 'Oi, what the fark?' then he starts throwing mashed roti canai at me.

Trials - 9 and 1/3 subjects over. All that is left is physics I and II. Wish me luck!
Considering my Add Maths already hancur.. All I can hope for now is 9 A1s and 1 more fucked up grade. Pray that its at least a B!

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