Wednesday, January 12, 2011


First decent post of a new year, which I don't see the significance.


I can't remember the last time I broke a sweat watching an anime. That was how intense it was to me, despite it all being about trading o_O

Ok, enough about the degenerate activities that I indulge ever so often. On a more productive side, I have finished 'THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH' by a certain evolving Mr. Dawkins. Evolution might not be the greatest show to me, but it certainly is perhaps one of the best books out there about evolution. The way he lays out everything, the way I see it is that the evidences are extremely convincing. So much so there is little room for debate. I have admittedly not given this issue much thought, for evolution and nature are topics of the real. In my head lies questions on meta levels, and those are much more absorbing to me.

So in light of this book, I would indeed profess to admit this theory is, for the most part the best there is in the foreseeable future. Naturally, theories can be improved, even new ones can be introduced. In this case, even if we introduce a new theory, it will probably be an even more refined (not to say its not refined now) theory of evolution, with a lot more details to iron out whatever creases there might be that the Creationists can attack. If, that is. I do not know if it is necessary, but I like to think there are always holes in everything. Me being the sceptic of perfection.

But honestly, in an age of Science can we say for sure that the philosophy of science is spelling God's demise?

My proper answer would always be 'I don't know for sure'. But revelations upon revelations pile up, and the few big questions are being shoved out of the way.

For now, it is still romantic to think of existence as something made with a moral/cosmic order. Considering the fact that existence came from nothing, then in the puddle of existential chaos there came a small pocket of order that gave birth to life and us wondering where everything came from.

No, God did not design you. It will be arrogant to even think of that. The possibility of us being an intermediate to a greater species remains (haha evolution speaking), and even if you do not believe in evolution the possibility of an even greater species existing out there that can outsmart and outfight us remains, no matter how small.

With the way stuff wink in and out of existence, and time being a relative thing, pretty much everything is chaos when we reach the cosmic scale. Whos to say our little mind will be able to understand the turbulent nature of... randomness?

Random fun word : Cosmologists describe the experience of falling into a black hole as 'spaghettification'. You are stretched out like a spaghetti by gravity. It would probably be painless. Why? Cause you'd be dead.

Bryson's new book 'A short history of private life' is an awesome read. Feels to me that, from the time he embarked to undertake the project of 'A short history of nearly everything', Mr. Bryson here has been learning and thinking a lot more. Because his previous books feel differently, them being travel notes. But his humour is evident. I like the way he presents history. They are full of stuff you won't find in your history text book. Like someone famous having sex with a prostitute on the roadside and nobody knew because it was so dark (this was the pre-electric age). Its worth the money, in my opinion.

Judging from my situation with the real, I probably can't start on Mr. Russell's 'History of Western Philosophy'. The book bears quite a bulk, and its paperback. Full of heavy stuff. I expect headaches. Perhaps I should try the mischevious wolf's light novels, just for something to take my mind on a holiday to.

Well, perhaps.

1 comment:

chelseaorange said...

i hope i can use the term spaghettification for states of mind.