Saturday, May 23, 2009


Ok, if there's a God, he's on my case.

First, I got my wish from god. Read previous post. I shall not say what it is.

Then suddenly people came selling stuff that i want, all for 1$ or 2$, without competition. I bought almost 10 books off for less than 50NZD. Ok, they're mostly second hand (with a couple of brand new ones) , but what a grab!

My mistake was never acknowledging that this probable god gave it to me.

So he or she punished me.

AAAhh I made a 60 dollar mistake!! And a stupid one at that! I mistook a bed cover sheet for a DUVET cover sheet!

So yeah, I acknowledge your probable existence, oh probably god! Now grant me more good stuff.

PS : I suspect this god is Aimee, for she hath typeth to me that I have to close my eyes, speak her name out loud 3 times and the sky will open above me and she'll grace me with her presence. She said she has no money though =/

PPS : I decided Aimee is not God. She is GAWD

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