Met up with 3 other Kuching BRATs '05. Wanny, Ju Vern, and Chris Ng. All four of us were... haha.. how to put it..? From left, Wanny, Me, Chris and Ju Vern. Chris is like a brother to me lar.. all surname Ng. And equally gay. Gay as in.. overhappy. NOT that gay.
Day One
Chilly day. At 6am in the morning, gatehred at
UTAR. Then set off. 24 of us. Ju Eng was there! First was by bus to Kahang. Then, change to four wheel bus for a damn bumpy ride!
Anyway, the scenery was excellent. I did not sleep the entire journey you ding dong!
Anyway, the entire ride was hell man. Bumpity-bumpity-bump. CRASH! Bumpity-bumpity-bump. BUMPPPP!! PUMP IT! (LOUDER!!)
Had an ice breaking session. It was hell lots of fun man. That's when I enjoyed a lot, all sorts of dancing, memorising names and all. Miux suffered like hell memorising names of 23 people. But he did it! Our Doraemon @ Aaron Ong had to memorise 22 but he failed and was forced to dance. Wahahaha!
We were divided into four groups. Elephunk, Pachyderm, Dumbos and.. uh.. can't remember lol
Basically, they were a bunch of great people! John was hilarious, and his bro Paul was more on the serious side. There were many memorable stuff throughout the trip.
First day first, we tracked elephants guided by two PERHILITAN pros. That lasted until late evening,
At night, we went on the boat and started bombarding the riverbanks with torchlights and all searching for elephants. Felt pretty much like the Immigration dude searching for illegal immigrants. And of course, came back empty handed.
Sleep time. Guys were pretty restless. Lots of squirrels near the dorm. No penguins sighted so far.
Day Two
Leechy day. We went off to our campsite at Kuala Marong.
In the photo, from left, Chris, Wanny, me, Miux, Hui Yan, Shalini, Aaron and Dickson.
An hour and half trekking across the forest, pass through two rivers with strong rapids on foot even though there is a bridge because Ju Eng says so, Leeches and more Leeches. And at the site, we set up our camps.. Then went off for a swim in the lake nearby.
See? I swam, but Chris had hydrophobia. So.. no choice lar, had to be a stone for him to rest on. Bloody hell..
The water was freaking refreshing. Unchlorinated water, with fishes and mossy stones and all. Damn great! Pity Zhi Wei and Amilia and Bee Bee, who missed all these stuff.
Then, it rained. Freaking rained. Went back to the campsite, all flooded.
Well, everything went fine. At night, Shalini, Wanny, Wen Qing, Dickson ( the only mad guy ) and.. can't remember. There were six cooks who intended to poison us with spaghetti. Cooked a big basket of them. Couldn't even finish half of it. Ju Eng forced the others to eat, it was hilarious man! Death by overstuffing, not by food poisoning. More leeches.
Will update day three and day four in another post. Too long meh.
To be continued...
Memorable Quotes during the entire trip:
1. Fasilitators are hereby known as 'Flacid-tators', courtesy of Jin Young.
2. Singaporeans actually chant "I will not leave my shit for others to flush" 100 times before they eat.
3. I waaaannt teeeennn biiigggg piiiinnkkkk piiinnnnggg pooonnnnggg baaaalllssss
4. By Ju Eng - OIIIII!!
5. John Kam, with overacting and overdramatic movements - "GOO!! I WILL BE FINNEE!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! JUST GO!!" when he said don't try to be a hero and act brave when we have broken four limbs and a head already. He was quite good at acting, damn funny.
6. Aaron Ong @ Doraemon was named Penghulu for all the participants.
7. Djunglepeople ( John, Paul, Mei Chin, Keith and Kahnee) was named 'Cikgu'. Stupidest term in BRATs when all they tell us is that they are no teachers :D
8. Phui Yee was actually called Ah Phui. How cute is that!@???
More to come...
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