Since I have some free time before I retire to my jaded slumber, let me enlighten you stupid people! (with a torch light)
Anybody like Dilbert? I like the way Scott Adams keep telling everyone they're idiots. And the comics do portray some rather obvious idiotic acts that the engineer and the people around him does.
Well surprise, you guys aren't that much smarter. If I were to do an experiment, I bet you guys rank somewhere above a spider and below a bird. (that was a rough estimate though)
Of course, I would rank slightly higher than you bunch of idiots.
Before you start getting offended (though I think you should be by now), let me give you some questions to think about.
Question 1
Think about the past 10 topics you and your friends have talked about. Bet it either includes sex, money, bitching about others, or your lame movies (that is why I don't watch many movies or even TV at all), studies or work to name a few.
Question 2
You don't give a shit about statistics, do you? All that talk about 1 car 12183384 tonnes of CO2 per year, 1 person @!*#^#!@$!$ tonnes of shit and land waste and the likes. Non of you give a shit. How many of you are even bothered by the Holocaust or the Peking Massacre?
Question 3
Who do you admire? If its your father, that's so primary school. If its one of the 21338434 singers of the west whose songs don't make an ounce of sense, well you probably just like the music. Not the person. If its your prime minister, you're bloody damned stupid.
Well, what I'd like to highlight is actually this. You people are stuck in this world and you don't know shit (haha!) No really. I'm being serious here.
For instance, can anybody actually even explain to me why do we even exist? Forget the shit about God, I can accept the argument that God created humans. No problems there. BUT WHY????
This is where it gets interesting. Religion can give you many interesting answers, some of them don't make sense, but most of it has some elements of wisdom in it.
Problem is, non of you realize it. Oh sure you realize it, you post it in your facebook status don't you? I just love it when someone puts a quote and says how meaningful it is. 99% of the time its sappy shitty corny lovey dovey crap.
I am a critic. A cynic and most probably skeptic too, but at least I think about my surroundings.
How many of you ever wondered why the grass is green huh?
In the end you humans are just a bunch of zombies who're proficient at bitching, feeding and of course, breeding.
For a start, lets make all public servants including the Prime Minister take public transports to work and ban cars for people earning less than Bill Gates. That should give us some good results. Solves overpopulation, pollution, corruption and improves the public transport too!
*No, I am not emo. I am just plain pissed. Really.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mental cases
I keep telling my stalking victim Aimee that I want to develop some mental problem so that I can be
1) infinitely much more annoying
2) And have a valid reason to be annoying, which is annoying + frustrating to others
Alas, I have failed for I underestimated the power of mankind.
Sometimes I get defeated by sheer naivety. My desperate attempts to be really annoying by saying totally unrealistic stuff failed because the victim believed me.
At times I get defeated by sheer lack of humour. The victim gave me a totally pissed look and the look-I-will-beat-you-up-if-you-go-any-further.
And most of the time, the victims just laugh when I say something stupid purposely.
Epic fail.
Now the professor shall list a couple of mental cases that are either attempted to develop or will attempt to develop.
Top on the list :
1 ) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
For more information, check it up on wikipedia. Basically it sort of mean having the compulsion to MUST DO IT THAT WAY sort of thing. I like to collect stuff (and I probably have this problem though its not really a disorder), and most of the time I like to identify a pattern which will make them all nice and ordered. Take books for example, Why? Because the cover will be similiar of sorts, and the spine decorations will be of a nice pattern. Details omitted, but I got really pissed off one time when my aunt bought me a book from another publisher and I was mentally fantasizing burning that book.
2 ) 3-D complex
I don't know the exact term for this, so I made up that complex. It means an unhealthy obsession with a 3-D object, humans included. Aimee has this complex. This complex can be further divided depending on its object of interest. Siblings-obsession, celebrity obsession and the likes all fall under this category.
3 ) 2-D complex
This is an interesting one. Its an unhealthy obsession with 2D stuff, almost exclusively fictional characters (why 2D? Take mario for example. He's a sprite. Period.) This complex is slowly evolving into 3D, simply because now technology has the ability to generate 3D fictional characters.
One most interesting characteristics about this complex is it occurs mostly in guys (I think). There are many lifeless people out there who obsess with characters from animations or games. Trust me on this, everytime I go wallpaper hunting I will drop by the forums. And I see titles like 'which anime girl will you marry'. There was one guy who collected dakimakura covers (dakimakura is japanese term, not sure what it exactly is, but I think they are bedsheets or something.) The cover does not come with pretty butterflies or fish or even Garfield, there's a picture of an anime girl character in EXTREMELY suggestive position (self-help anyone?). By the way, I looked it up. They are not cheap. (100USD each is not cheap to me, not for these kind of stuff. And I am so not interested in it).
4) Plushie fetish
I invented this term. Seems to me that I am buying a lot of stuffed toys for the kids at home. And just before giving them away, I like to play around with it and try and find whats so interesting about it. In time, I realized I could probably annoy people really good if I made the point to the victim that I think more of the plushy compared to the victim.
Alas, epic fail. I became the victim. So much for being original.
These are the latest ones I bought for my cute little nieces. That's my Gundam model behind and the fearsome Monster Penguin on my coin can. The main object is the Kiwi bird, the penguin and the Pukeko (its an endemic swamp chicken in NZ. For those of you who can't understand 'endemic', it means its only found in a certain geographic location. In this case, its NZ)
I would call them finger puppets, but that would so nice and innocent. And so not me. Thus, I name them 'I like it up my ass plushies'. Crude. Yeah they're for kids.
Another purchase I bought is an interesting plushy. There's no name for it, but its the type where 'pull my tail and I shake!'. I was thinking it would jump around like Monster Penguin, but alas I got the shock of my life. ITS A FREAKING VIBRATOR. Nevertheless I bought it. Its fun and disturbing.
The last one is somewhat normal. It squeaks when you press it. Good for mental squishing the cute animal, because it makes a sqeak sound when you squish it. High pitch or low pitch? Just control the speed and strength you use to squish it.
5 ) Wiki-ism
Obsession with Wikipedia. Nobody is free from it.
6 ) Lezard-ism
This is a reference to the game Valkyrie Profile 2 in PS2. Symptoms include :
- Super unhealthy obsession with a Goddess
- Acute power hungry-ness which leads to
- Self proclaiming one as God, and using force to do whatever is desired.
I am sure you know more about this than me, so I will cease any explanations before I even start.
I will defy George Carlin's law of 10 in a list and settle for 7 for now. I am sure many of you can relate to at least 2 of the above MWAHAHHA (the lezard mental case sounds interesting. I might do it someday)
Edit :
Number 8)
Facebook obsession. You people spend so much time on facebook and its apps, it annoyed the hell out of me. Unfortunately I am the victim here.
Number 9)
Room Obsession. I notice many scholars have this. The tendency to lock one self up in the room and study (or maybe jerk off or something.) I do not understand this case, and it annoys the hell out of me. The sun is losing popularity it seems. Unfortunately, I am the victim again.
Now, I just made myself sound normal didn't I? I am victim to so many of the cases above, it defeated my original purpose of listing these
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