Hello people (or person. That's you Aimee. I doubt anyone but you read my blog)
I am safely back in Malaysia, and still filled with shit.
Sometimes I do wonder why humans are all full of shit. Don't you ever wonder why you go to toilet EVERYDAY and still have shit in you?
(And yes I know its because you eat everyday)
Anyway, I am safely back in BP after a brief stop in Singapore and JB (I still remember someone actually pointed out to me that JB is the state and Johor is the city. I am amazed by Malaysians as always)
My nieces are all veryyyyyyyyy cute. Insanely cute. They drive you nuts about them.
But they are not the main topic for today.
I have noticed that driving in Malaysia is indeed dangerous. Malaysians do not give way to you if you're making a turn or changing lanes. And while they're at it, they make sure you give way to them. By making dangerous stunts that force you to avoid or collide (that sort of rhymes).
Second thing is, I always thought of BP as a small city. Better than a town. With this many cars and people and malls, you would be inclined to agree with me.
If so, why are my neighbors rearing chickens? Not to mention my next door neighbour who kept 3 dogs after his house was burglared (2 rottweilers and one dead).
The dogs are kept in a cage 24/7 and hosed with cold water. Figures they will drop dead sooner or later. I wonder if this is animal abuse. Probably is, but I guess I can't be bothered. I am a Malaysian after all.
Now what pisses me off are the chickens. This is too much. I live in a residential area. Dogs are alright. CHICKENS? What, you hoping for eggs everyday or what? If you want to eat it, but it fresh from the supermart or the market or the farm. If you want eggs, you can get them virtually everywhere. Why the hell are they keeping chickens that cuckoo every 15 seconds during the day?
Speaking of which, animal activists are an interesting lot in my opinion. If the animal is born to be eaten, personally I do not even consider it to be a living thing. Its destiny is the slaughter house and that is the ultimate cruelty. Campaigning against keeping animals in small pens and the like is missing the main point.
This is my personal opinion, I repeat.
If you really want to help them, campaign to get people to be vegans. If you insist on campaigning for them, then you might as well launch activities against keeping fish in aquariums. After all, its an enclosed space and they are in an unnatural environment. Chances are they die earlier that their natural lifespan allows (ignoring the predation factor).
No, you love animals, you want to help them, you don't eat them. Simple as that. Saying you're cruel to animals that are going to end up in the slaughter house is missing the main point.
While I am at it, I am intrigued by the invention of 'fake' meat. Chinese people really can do everything. The introduction of vegan meat is an interesting one. I mean, vegetarian meat? Vegetarian MEAT?
For those of you not familiar with it, its made of dough (I think) and added with bean seasonings that make it slightly saltish. What amazes me is they can control the texture to vaguely resemble the real deal.
You want to go vegan, you don't eat meat. You don't think of meat. Why are you eating even vegan meat? Its against the idea of meat abstinence. It shows your inability to forget meat, and you find a compromise with eating MEAT that is not animal sourced.
Well to me that is another source of delicacy. To you vegans, this is my opinion, don't even think about it even if its vegetarian. Calling it meat is mocking you and your idealogies. (unless you're vegan for health and not for compassion)
Its like I shun the devil and make a pact with the cultist. (Ok bad analogy. I should have come up with a disgusting one)
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Since I have some free time before I retire to my jaded slumber, let me enlighten you stupid people! (with a torch light)
Anybody like Dilbert? I like the way Scott Adams keep telling everyone they're idiots. And the comics do portray some rather obvious idiotic acts that the engineer and the people around him does.
Well surprise, you guys aren't that much smarter. If I were to do an experiment, I bet you guys rank somewhere above a spider and below a bird. (that was a rough estimate though)
Of course, I would rank slightly higher than you bunch of idiots.
Before you start getting offended (though I think you should be by now), let me give you some questions to think about.
Question 1
Think about the past 10 topics you and your friends have talked about. Bet it either includes sex, money, bitching about others, or your lame movies (that is why I don't watch many movies or even TV at all), studies or work to name a few.
Question 2
You don't give a shit about statistics, do you? All that talk about 1 car 12183384 tonnes of CO2 per year, 1 person @!*#^#!@$!$ tonnes of shit and land waste and the likes. Non of you give a shit. How many of you are even bothered by the Holocaust or the Peking Massacre?
Question 3
Who do you admire? If its your father, that's so primary school. If its one of the 21338434 singers of the west whose songs don't make an ounce of sense, well you probably just like the music. Not the person. If its your prime minister, you're bloody damned stupid.
Well, what I'd like to highlight is actually this. You people are stuck in this world and you don't know shit (haha!) No really. I'm being serious here.
For instance, can anybody actually even explain to me why do we even exist? Forget the shit about God, I can accept the argument that God created humans. No problems there. BUT WHY????
This is where it gets interesting. Religion can give you many interesting answers, some of them don't make sense, but most of it has some elements of wisdom in it.
Problem is, non of you realize it. Oh sure you realize it, you post it in your facebook status don't you? I just love it when someone puts a quote and says how meaningful it is. 99% of the time its sappy shitty corny lovey dovey crap.
I am a critic. A cynic and most probably skeptic too, but at least I think about my surroundings.
How many of you ever wondered why the grass is green huh?
In the end you humans are just a bunch of zombies who're proficient at bitching, feeding and of course, breeding.
For a start, lets make all public servants including the Prime Minister take public transports to work and ban cars for people earning less than Bill Gates. That should give us some good results. Solves overpopulation, pollution, corruption and improves the public transport too!
*No, I am not emo. I am just plain pissed. Really.
Anybody like Dilbert? I like the way Scott Adams keep telling everyone they're idiots. And the comics do portray some rather obvious idiotic acts that the engineer and the people around him does.
Well surprise, you guys aren't that much smarter. If I were to do an experiment, I bet you guys rank somewhere above a spider and below a bird. (that was a rough estimate though)
Of course, I would rank slightly higher than you bunch of idiots.
Before you start getting offended (though I think you should be by now), let me give you some questions to think about.
Question 1
Think about the past 10 topics you and your friends have talked about. Bet it either includes sex, money, bitching about others, or your lame movies (that is why I don't watch many movies or even TV at all), studies or work to name a few.
Question 2
You don't give a shit about statistics, do you? All that talk about 1 car 12183384 tonnes of CO2 per year, 1 person @!*#^#!@$!$ tonnes of shit and land waste and the likes. Non of you give a shit. How many of you are even bothered by the Holocaust or the Peking Massacre?
Question 3
Who do you admire? If its your father, that's so primary school. If its one of the 21338434 singers of the west whose songs don't make an ounce of sense, well you probably just like the music. Not the person. If its your prime minister, you're bloody damned stupid.
Well, what I'd like to highlight is actually this. You people are stuck in this world and you don't know shit (haha!) No really. I'm being serious here.
For instance, can anybody actually even explain to me why do we even exist? Forget the shit about God, I can accept the argument that God created humans. No problems there. BUT WHY????
This is where it gets interesting. Religion can give you many interesting answers, some of them don't make sense, but most of it has some elements of wisdom in it.
Problem is, non of you realize it. Oh sure you realize it, you post it in your facebook status don't you? I just love it when someone puts a quote and says how meaningful it is. 99% of the time its sappy shitty corny lovey dovey crap.
I am a critic. A cynic and most probably skeptic too, but at least I think about my surroundings.
How many of you ever wondered why the grass is green huh?
In the end you humans are just a bunch of zombies who're proficient at bitching, feeding and of course, breeding.
For a start, lets make all public servants including the Prime Minister take public transports to work and ban cars for people earning less than Bill Gates. That should give us some good results. Solves overpopulation, pollution, corruption and improves the public transport too!
*No, I am not emo. I am just plain pissed. Really.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mental cases
I keep telling my stalking victim Aimee that I want to develop some mental problem so that I can be
1) infinitely much more annoying
2) And have a valid reason to be annoying, which is annoying + frustrating to others
Alas, I have failed for I underestimated the power of mankind.
Sometimes I get defeated by sheer naivety. My desperate attempts to be really annoying by saying totally unrealistic stuff failed because the victim believed me.
At times I get defeated by sheer lack of humour. The victim gave me a totally pissed look and the look-I-will-beat-you-up-if-you-go-any-further.
And most of the time, the victims just laugh when I say something stupid purposely.
Epic fail.
Now the professor shall list a couple of mental cases that are either attempted to develop or will attempt to develop.
Top on the list :
1 ) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
For more information, check it up on wikipedia. Basically it sort of mean having the compulsion to MUST DO IT THAT WAY sort of thing. I like to collect stuff (and I probably have this problem though its not really a disorder), and most of the time I like to identify a pattern which will make them all nice and ordered. Take books for example, they.must.be.from.the.same.publisher. Why? Because the cover will be similiar of sorts, and the spine decorations will be of a nice pattern. Details omitted, but I got really pissed off one time when my aunt bought me a book from another publisher and I was mentally fantasizing burning that book.
2 ) 3-D complex
I don't know the exact term for this, so I made up that complex. It means an unhealthy obsession with a 3-D object, humans included. Aimee has this complex. This complex can be further divided depending on its object of interest. Siblings-obsession, celebrity obsession and the likes all fall under this category.
3 ) 2-D complex
This is an interesting one. Its an unhealthy obsession with 2D stuff, almost exclusively fictional characters (why 2D? Take mario for example. He's a sprite. Period.) This complex is slowly evolving into 3D, simply because now technology has the ability to generate 3D fictional characters.
One most interesting characteristics about this complex is it occurs mostly in guys (I think). There are many lifeless people out there who obsess with characters from animations or games. Trust me on this, everytime I go wallpaper hunting I will drop by the forums. And I see titles like 'which anime girl will you marry'. There was one guy who collected dakimakura covers (dakimakura is japanese term, not sure what it exactly is, but I think they are bedsheets or something.) The cover does not come with pretty butterflies or fish or even Garfield, there's a picture of an anime girl character in EXTREMELY suggestive position (self-help anyone?). By the way, I looked it up. They are not cheap. (100USD each is not cheap to me, not for these kind of stuff. And I am so not interested in it).
4) Plushie fetish
I invented this term. Seems to me that I am buying a lot of stuffed toys for the kids at home. And just before giving them away, I like to play around with it and try and find whats so interesting about it. In time, I realized I could probably annoy people really good if I made the point to the victim that I think more of the plushy compared to the victim.
Alas, epic fail. I became the victim. So much for being original.
These are the latest ones I bought for my cute little nieces. That's my Gundam model behind and the fearsome Monster Penguin on my coin can. The main object is the Kiwi bird, the penguin and the Pukeko (its an endemic swamp chicken in NZ. For those of you who can't understand 'endemic', it means its only found in a certain geographic location. In this case, its NZ)
I would call them finger puppets, but that would so nice and innocent. And so not me. Thus, I name them 'I like it up my ass plushies'. Crude. Yeah they're for kids.
Another purchase I bought is an interesting plushy. There's no name for it, but its the type where 'pull my tail and I shake!'. I was thinking it would jump around like Monster Penguin, but alas I got the shock of my life. ITS A FREAKING VIBRATOR. Nevertheless I bought it. Its fun and disturbing.
The last one is somewhat normal. It squeaks when you press it. Good for mental squishing the cute animal, because it makes a sqeak sound when you squish it. High pitch or low pitch? Just control the speed and strength you use to squish it.
5 ) Wiki-ism
Obsession with Wikipedia. Nobody is free from it.
6 ) Lezard-ism
This is a reference to the game Valkyrie Profile 2 in PS2. Symptoms include :
- Super unhealthy obsession with a Goddess
- Acute power hungry-ness which leads to
- Self proclaiming one as God, and using force to do whatever is desired.
I am sure you know more about this than me, so I will cease any explanations before I even start.
I will defy George Carlin's law of 10 in a list and settle for 7 for now. I am sure many of you can relate to at least 2 of the above MWAHAHHA (the lezard mental case sounds interesting. I might do it someday)
Edit :
Number 8)
Facebook obsession. You people spend so much time on facebook and its apps, it annoyed the hell out of me. Unfortunately I am the victim here.
Number 9)
Room Obsession. I notice many scholars have this. The tendency to lock one self up in the room and study (or maybe jerk off or something.) I do not understand this case, and it annoys the hell out of me. The sun is losing popularity it seems. Unfortunately, I am the victim again.
Now, I just made myself sound normal didn't I? I am victim to so many of the cases above, it defeated my original purpose of listing these
Thursday, October 29, 2009
As the title suggest, I do not have a title again.
But, today I am posting up something interesting again.
I find that, I really do do interesting things from time to time.
Guess what I did this time? (Nope, not the talking to myself part. I still do though, when I am alone for long periods of time)
I was walking to the gym with my friend Jason. A lady approached Jason and asked for directions.
Being the idiot dumbass he is, he doesn't know where Maidment theater is. Despite being here for a year and passing by the place soooooooooooooo many times.
He turned to me and passed the question to me.
I knew where it was, and I told her.
Thing is, I told her the right location. INTERESTING thing is, my finger pointed at the opposite direction.
* I didn't realize it until Jason asked me where, I told him and he was like 'Isn't that the other way than what you pointed to her?'. Wtf.
I am a dumb fuck sometimes HAHA xD
But, today I am posting up something interesting again.
I find that, I really do do interesting things from time to time.
Guess what I did this time? (Nope, not the talking to myself part. I still do though, when I am alone for long periods of time)
I was walking to the gym with my friend Jason. A lady approached Jason and asked for directions.
Being the idiot dumbass he is, he doesn't know where Maidment theater is. Despite being here for a year and passing by the place soooooooooooooo many times.
He turned to me and passed the question to me.
I knew where it was, and I told her.
Thing is, I told her the right location. INTERESTING thing is, my finger pointed at the opposite direction.
* I didn't realize it until Jason asked me where, I told him and he was like 'Isn't that the other way than what you pointed to her?'. Wtf.
I am a dumb fuck sometimes HAHA xD
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sorry for that lame thing -_-.
Anyway, I wanna talk about degrees. I mean certificates here.
People are stupid. I don't know why, but its the truth. People are stupid. I love saying that, it makes me forget I am one of the people. People are stupid.
Why do people like to think that they can't do shit without a degree? People are stupid. I don't need a degree to shit now do I? What's with this degree craze? And the university just loves to award degrees don't they? Even hopelessly stupid people can get degrees. So to solve the problem of finding out who's the smarter one, they made first class honours degree, and second class and third class and fourth class. Brilliant.
Next thing you know, universities award degrees for knowing how to shit. And not everyone can get that degree, trust me. Many of you will get fourth class degree in that by the way. Aimee claims you people SQUAT on SIT toilet bowls. How on earth do you get first class honours degree in shitting if you do that?
I just love it when people start going on and on about success in life. Why is success in life all centred around money anyway? ...what the fuck?
True, money is a medium of exchange we invented. It carries a value that we can exchange it for whatever we want. Funny thing is, everywhere there's inflation every year. Which means the value of money is dropping, due to some weird economic mechanism that is evil at work here. The value of money is dropping? Simple solution. Make more money. More money means more value, and more value means you can still do the same shit.
Stop worshipping money. Worship me instead. At least I can verbally abuse you to make you feel better.
I'll proceed to convince you people why you should worship me instead of money.
1) Money makes you feel guilty.
This is a pseudotruth. People feel happy when they get money. But if they overspend, they feel guilty. If the money is dirty money, that is money earned through deception, people feel guilty (that is if they have conscience).
I can make you feel guilty. Just tell me all your sins and I'll verbally abuse you into depression. So I can actually do what money does here.
2) Money can buy stuff
This is a fact. Buying is exchanging a certain amount of money for stuff you don't need.
I don't need to do anything here. I have fulfilled the role of money thus.
3) Money is dangerous
You can get robbed anytime. You freak out calculating your money.
I am dangerous too. So why worship money?
4) You can't do everything with money
So can't I, nor can you do everything with me.
5) Money can't talk
I can. I win.
Sorry for that lame thing -_-.
Anyway, I wanna talk about degrees. I mean certificates here.
People are stupid. I don't know why, but its the truth. People are stupid. I love saying that, it makes me forget I am one of the people. People are stupid.
Why do people like to think that they can't do shit without a degree? People are stupid. I don't need a degree to shit now do I? What's with this degree craze? And the university just loves to award degrees don't they? Even hopelessly stupid people can get degrees. So to solve the problem of finding out who's the smarter one, they made first class honours degree, and second class and third class and fourth class. Brilliant.
Next thing you know, universities award degrees for knowing how to shit. And not everyone can get that degree, trust me. Many of you will get fourth class degree in that by the way. Aimee claims you people SQUAT on SIT toilet bowls. How on earth do you get first class honours degree in shitting if you do that?
I just love it when people start going on and on about success in life. Why is success in life all centred around money anyway? ...what the fuck?
True, money is a medium of exchange we invented. It carries a value that we can exchange it for whatever we want. Funny thing is, everywhere there's inflation every year. Which means the value of money is dropping, due to some weird economic mechanism that is evil at work here. The value of money is dropping? Simple solution. Make more money. More money means more value, and more value means you can still do the same shit.
Stop worshipping money. Worship me instead. At least I can verbally abuse you to make you feel better.
I'll proceed to convince you people why you should worship me instead of money.
1) Money makes you feel guilty.
This is a pseudotruth. People feel happy when they get money. But if they overspend, they feel guilty. If the money is dirty money, that is money earned through deception, people feel guilty (that is if they have conscience).
I can make you feel guilty. Just tell me all your sins and I'll verbally abuse you into depression. So I can actually do what money does here.
2) Money can buy stuff
This is a fact. Buying is exchanging a certain amount of money for stuff you don't need.
I don't need to do anything here. I have fulfilled the role of money thus.
3) Money is dangerous
You can get robbed anytime. You freak out calculating your money.
I am dangerous too. So why worship money?
4) You can't do everything with money
So can't I, nor can you do everything with me.
5) Money can't talk
I can. I win.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I have chicken bloody pox! Aggggggghhhhh
On an unrelated note, I shall be discussing another issue that might not be an issue today.
Is it just me, or are earphones/handsfree/earsets/whateveryouliketocallit the perfect convenient item for avoiding conversations?
I have friends who are perpetually on the earphone. Its a big turnoff.
When they are walking to class. When they are eating. When they are talking to you. I wonder do they wear it when they bath?
Are those earphones a replacement for your teddy bear then?
First off, you wonder whether he/she hears you or pays any attention to you at all. It kind of tempts you to say all sorts of bad things about him/her, but then you worry that he/she might be able to hear it? It creates an internal conflict I say.
Second thing is, if someone is wearing an earphone, it makes you think twice about talking to them. Because they might hear you and choose to ignore you.
It annoys me when walking along with friends that are perpetually on the ear phone. Come on, this world is more than your music as you slog along your boring life of routine and repetitions.
On an unrelated note, I shall be discussing another issue that might not be an issue today.
Is it just me, or are earphones/handsfree/earsets/whateveryouliketocallit the perfect convenient item for avoiding conversations?
I have friends who are perpetually on the earphone. Its a big turnoff.
When they are walking to class. When they are eating. When they are talking to you. I wonder do they wear it when they bath?
Are those earphones a replacement for your teddy bear then?
First off, you wonder whether he/she hears you or pays any attention to you at all. It kind of tempts you to say all sorts of bad things about him/her, but then you worry that he/she might be able to hear it? It creates an internal conflict I say.
Second thing is, if someone is wearing an earphone, it makes you think twice about talking to them. Because they might hear you and choose to ignore you.
It annoys me when walking along with friends that are perpetually on the ear phone. Come on, this world is more than your music as you slog along your boring life of routine and repetitions.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
People are weeeeirdddd. Seriously.
I made a new friend recently. A guy friend, not a gay friend. He's in the health sciences, but a victim of circumstances he has to take physics.
When he learned that I am in engineering, he began reciting formulae for me to confirm its correctness. And insisted I teach him physics.
And today morning 7.30am. 7.30 AM. FUCKING 7.30AM he sent me an sms saying nothing but 'oh I just realized I have a physics test next week'.
wtfarghsasdkjaskd heriskedthedarklord'swrathanddisturbedthedarklord'sslumberjustforthesakeofsaying HEHASAFUCKING TEST
On the bright side, I found my haunt :D well literally the place I'll be haunting in my spare time anyway.
Now I am having a headache. I am intending to specialize in green/environmental engineering. But what if due to space limitations I am not admitted? ...Fuck. I need to think of alternatives.
Till then, just a brief update
I made a new friend recently. A guy friend, not a gay friend. He's in the health sciences, but a victim of circumstances he has to take physics.
When he learned that I am in engineering, he began reciting formulae for me to confirm its correctness. And insisted I teach him physics.
And today morning 7.30am. 7.30 AM. FUCKING 7.30AM he sent me an sms saying nothing but 'oh I just realized I have a physics test next week'.
wtfarghsasdkjaskd heriskedthedarklord'swrathanddisturbedthedarklord'sslumberjustforthesakeofsaying HEHASAFUCKING TEST
On the bright side, I found my haunt :D well literally the place I'll be haunting in my spare time anyway.
Now I am having a headache. I am intending to specialize in green/environmental engineering. But what if due to space limitations I am not admitted? ...Fuck. I need to think of alternatives.
Till then, just a brief update
Monday, September 21, 2009
Shrink shrank shrunk
This is a random post.
I just found out some of my clothes are not meant to be tumble-dried. Figures why some of them shrank hahahaha.
Underwear included.
Seems like underwears getting tight was not due to size increase after all HAHAHA
(omg can't believe i typed that)
I just found out some of my clothes are not meant to be tumble-dried. Figures why some of them shrank hahahaha.
Underwear included.
Seems like underwears getting tight was not due to size increase after all HAHAHA
(omg can't believe i typed that)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Professor Leslie's tentative plan to kill the stupid people in the world.
This is the crusade against stupidity.
Step 1
Start a random group in facebook. Any name will do. For example, 'Kill people who brush their teeth while taking a shower', 'Kill people over the age of 8 and still can't fucking use a toilet properly' or 'Kill people who do stupid quizzes in facebook'.
Step 2
Start a chainmail in MSN and facebook. Tell everyone to join and forward to everyone in their contacts. If they do not, they will die by midnight. If they do, they will be blessed with whatever they want.
Insert random story about random boy's name who didn't believe and died horribly. Insert extra random story about random girl who died horribly for extra firepower to convince people.
Step 3
As admin of the group, begin ordering people around. Spread rumours that a group of assasins work for you, and you have ties with the underworld and the dark lord himself. If they do not obey, you will employ hackers to find out where they live via their facebook account and insert some technical computer jargons to confuse them and make yourself sound convincing.
Now begin telling them to commit suicide subtly, one by one. Make sure it cannot be blamed on you. Publicize each death beyond sensational level. Manipulate data to make your chain mail extremely credible now. You should get a steady source of new members while you steadily kill off old ones.
Step 4
When you find that the number of members joining has trickled to zero, you have probably killed off all the stupid people. Next, aim at application code writers. Use above mentioned steps 1-3, using all the deaths of the stupid people as leverage.
This is bullshit. But can someone try this? And tell me whether it will work ahaha
This is the crusade against stupidity.
Step 1
Start a random group in facebook. Any name will do. For example, 'Kill people who brush their teeth while taking a shower', 'Kill people over the age of 8 and still can't fucking use a toilet properly' or 'Kill people who do stupid quizzes in facebook'.
Step 2
Start a chainmail in MSN and facebook. Tell everyone to join and forward to everyone in their contacts. If they do not, they will die by midnight. If they do, they will be blessed with whatever they want.
Insert random story about random boy's name who didn't believe and died horribly. Insert extra random story about random girl who died horribly for extra firepower to convince people.
Step 3
As admin of the group, begin ordering people around. Spread rumours that a group of assasins work for you, and you have ties with the underworld and the dark lord himself. If they do not obey, you will employ hackers to find out where they live via their facebook account and insert some technical computer jargons to confuse them and make yourself sound convincing.
Now begin telling them to commit suicide subtly, one by one. Make sure it cannot be blamed on you. Publicize each death beyond sensational level. Manipulate data to make your chain mail extremely credible now. You should get a steady source of new members while you steadily kill off old ones.
Step 4
When you find that the number of members joining has trickled to zero, you have probably killed off all the stupid people. Next, aim at application code writers. Use above mentioned steps 1-3, using all the deaths of the stupid people as leverage.
This is bullshit. But can someone try this? And tell me whether it will work ahaha
Thursday, September 10, 2009
You know what? Before Zhi Wei's birthday I thought of buying an ukulele since I couldn't afford a guitar. I didn't. My friend advised against it. I thought it was useless compared to a real guitar. And it costs itself to send it to Malaysia.
Now that piece of fuck puts on facebook saying he wants an ukulele. USELESS!
Oh yea, I haven't been updating for ages.
Why now?
Because of the re-emergence of fucking facebook apps that absolutely piss me off. Not to mention the advent of chain sms-es and 'MSN is closing down you fags forward this mail and the blue dude will turn blue and suck ..' never mind..
Seriously, people can be uber stupid. STUPIDDDD!
If all the facebook application does is randomly insert your friends into random adjectives, THEN DON'T USE IT! (I am pissed I got labelled UGLY)
What is the point of the whole thing if when people complain, you shrug and say the bot did it? FUCK YOU
And chainmails/smses piss me off too. You will die tonight if you don't forward this. You will get laid if you send this too 1000 people. I swear if that were true, I would have died 213896129846231894 times by now, and there will be no desperate guys in this world.
Pardon the angst. Just need to release some tension. No, zhi wei, enough with jacking off. Its masturbate I say. (Why do we use the words when we didn't even discuss about this?)
P/S : I have an idea. I'll fight fire with fire. Tell everyone to stop chainmails or they'll die. Hmm. STUPIDDDDDDDDDD
Now that piece of fuck puts on facebook saying he wants an ukulele. USELESS!
Oh yea, I haven't been updating for ages.
Why now?
Because of the re-emergence of fucking facebook apps that absolutely piss me off. Not to mention the advent of chain sms-es and 'MSN is closing down you fags forward this mail and the blue dude will turn blue and suck ..' never mind..
Seriously, people can be uber stupid. STUPIDDDD!
If all the facebook application does is randomly insert your friends into random adjectives, THEN DON'T USE IT! (I am pissed I got labelled UGLY)
What is the point of the whole thing if when people complain, you shrug and say the bot did it? FUCK YOU
And chainmails/smses piss me off too. You will die tonight if you don't forward this. You will get laid if you send this too 1000 people. I swear if that were true, I would have died 213896129846231894 times by now, and there will be no desperate guys in this world.
Pardon the angst. Just need to release some tension. No, zhi wei, enough with jacking off. Its masturbate I say. (Why do we use the words when we didn't even discuss about this?)
P/S : I have an idea. I'll fight fire with fire. Tell everyone to stop chainmails or they'll die. Hmm. STUPIDDDDDDDDDD
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Animes and Hollywood
Dear bloggie,
I am sorry to have neglected you for so long. I was always lazy to type up new stuff to entertain my readers (which i suspect there's only one. Aimee that's you, don't look behind). As such, in times of impending exam, I turn my attention to you as a perfect excuse for procrastinating my revision.
The topic Professor Leslie shall talk about today shall be about animes and Hollywood.
What the fuck are the Hollywood people thinking?
First they made this :![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjlHPoyR2tag0oVOoMU1-nAl3GLKokavBAEnR_5h78A65Uh0i_oc1p5CjJw1HngOX_DBM6mkBL9WbLokYFC0_93KNX6C33hq8IZ1l21C57tcqIYVMghLj_rjZbi0bWoV3u2fh_w6A/s320/dragonballz14.PNG)
My hero............................................................................................ the zero
Which I did not bother to watch. I'd be encouraging them to make more if I did. Its like... its like some kid pooped in his pants right in front of you and you giving him money and saying 'well done'. To top it off, the pants he is wearing is your favorite brand.
And oh ever noticed that adding the word 'Evolution' makes everything sound right? Yeah God knows whatever it means by 'Dragon Ball Evolution', since Dragon Balls technically are orbs to summon the dragon god, it is not a living thing, it cannot evolve. Dragon Ball evolution? Yeah, Goku evolved from a muscle perfect super saiyan hero to a white punk. That's degeneration by the way.
Don't get me wrong. Not all anime to live action movies suck. At least I don't really think so despite the 'prettiness' of anime people (drawn people look abnormal). Observe Death Note by Japanese producers. Manga and live action versions of L.
The resemblance is not bad, in my opinion. You have to be slightly racist here haha. Serious. At least Goku is not some random punk who 'you must save the world! and grab that chick while you're at it'
And the next thing. Cowboy Bebop. Nope I did not watch the anime, nor the anime movie. But guess what? Keanu Reeves is going to act in the live action version.
Hmm................................. I seriously don't know what to say. From Matrix, Hell, Streets, now anime? Mr Anderson this better be good. Because there's a high probability it sucks.
And guess what? There's an english version of the famous chinese gangster-police story 'Internal Affairs'. I conveniently forgot the title. I didn't bother to find out about it. This is unrelated though.
Well the final straw is this. This is an unconfirmed rumour circulating around the net. They say that Hollywood's making a live action movie of Death Note too! Maybe anime's the new cash cow for Hollywood. And...
They say Light Yagami (left) will probably be played by Zac Efron. High School Musical anyone? From dancer to man-suffering-from-delusions-he-is-god-but-he-can-kill. I'll admit that even the Japanese version they couldn't find someone who looks like Light. (Light's such a cool name isn't it) But one thing I hate to admit, Zac there does look slightly like Light (maybe its the hair).
Oh well its unconfirmed rumour though. But I do not like the idea of Hollywood putting its grubby hands into the anime grounds. I mean, well drawn people certainly look abnormal (note : unusually big boobs, big eyes, eyes with different colours I forgot what this is called, small people bearing SHIT HUGE weapons etc)
Why? Because it shatters the illusions one have of the anime. Two it makes me feel like an idiot IF i watch it. Three because its just so wrong.
I seriously wonder why though. Maybe because its the large industry Japan has in the manga/anime section. I mean, its gotten so that people worldwide are reading comics from there. I wonder do white kids ever imagine going to Japan someday and find out people are seriously drawn there (haha).
One thing is evident though. Hollywood sure is putting its grubby hand in anime grounds.
PS : I hate picture posts. Annoys the hell out of me to upload photos
I am sorry to have neglected you for so long. I was always lazy to type up new stuff to entertain my readers (which i suspect there's only one. Aimee that's you, don't look behind). As such, in times of impending exam, I turn my attention to you as a perfect excuse for procrastinating my revision.
The topic Professor Leslie shall talk about today shall be about animes and Hollywood.
What the fuck are the Hollywood people thinking?
First they made this :
My hero............................................................................................ the zero
Which I did not bother to watch. I'd be encouraging them to make more if I did. Its like... its like some kid pooped in his pants right in front of you and you giving him money and saying 'well done'. To top it off, the pants he is wearing is your favorite brand.
And oh ever noticed that adding the word 'Evolution' makes everything sound right? Yeah God knows whatever it means by 'Dragon Ball Evolution', since Dragon Balls technically are orbs to summon the dragon god, it is not a living thing, it cannot evolve. Dragon Ball evolution? Yeah, Goku evolved from a muscle perfect super saiyan hero to a white punk. That's degeneration by the way.
Don't get me wrong. Not all anime to live action movies suck. At least I don't really think so despite the 'prettiness' of anime people (drawn people look abnormal). Observe Death Note by Japanese producers. Manga and live action versions of L.
The resemblance is not bad, in my opinion. You have to be slightly racist here haha. Serious. At least Goku is not some random punk who 'you must save the world! and grab that chick while you're at it'
And the next thing. Cowboy Bebop. Nope I did not watch the anime, nor the anime movie. But guess what? Keanu Reeves is going to act in the live action version.
Hmm................................. I seriously don't know what to say. From Matrix, Hell, Streets, now anime? Mr Anderson this better be good. Because there's a high probability it sucks.
And guess what? There's an english version of the famous chinese gangster-police story 'Internal Affairs'. I conveniently forgot the title. I didn't bother to find out about it. This is unrelated though.
Well the final straw is this. This is an unconfirmed rumour circulating around the net. They say that Hollywood's making a live action movie of Death Note too! Maybe anime's the new cash cow for Hollywood. And...
They say Light Yagami (left) will probably be played by Zac Efron. High School Musical anyone? From dancer to man-suffering-from-delusions-he-is-god-but-he-can-kill. I'll admit that even the Japanese version they couldn't find someone who looks like Light. (Light's such a cool name isn't it) But one thing I hate to admit, Zac there does look slightly like Light (maybe its the hair).
Oh well its unconfirmed rumour though. But I do not like the idea of Hollywood putting its grubby hands into the anime grounds. I mean, well drawn people certainly look abnormal (note : unusually big boobs, big eyes, eyes with different colours I forgot what this is called, small people bearing SHIT HUGE weapons etc)
Why? Because it shatters the illusions one have of the anime. Two it makes me feel like an idiot IF i watch it. Three because its just so wrong.
I seriously wonder why though. Maybe because its the large industry Japan has in the manga/anime section. I mean, its gotten so that people worldwide are reading comics from there. I wonder do white kids ever imagine going to Japan someday and find out people are seriously drawn there (haha).
One thing is evident though. Hollywood sure is putting its grubby hand in anime grounds.
PS : I hate picture posts. Annoys the hell out of me to upload photos
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Today Professor Leslie will make the strange connection between life and survival.
The way I see it, life is all about survival.
You have to survive your childhood by not dying in some freak accident. And enjoy as much of this phase as you can.
After your childhood, you begin education phase. That's where they brainwash you into mindless zombies and tell you you are a free individual cause you are educated. You gotta survive this. Its a whole load of crap actually, and at times life in this phase is really really hard.
Then you begin work. Work for society to earn your keep in society. Contribute your part for society to be parasites of Earth. And working phase absolutely sucks so bad your shit actually smells great at times (ok disgusting comparison sorry). Working politics, politicians, wages, finances, sex, booze, sin, religion and all suddenly swirls around in a cauldron that makes a concoction smellier than your shit (ok i used it again. Real sorry). You gotta survive this somehow.
Somewhere in the middle of work phase, you have kids. You fulfill your biological role, that is to reproduce (which explains why orgasms feel so great. To encourage you to breed). Your kids turn out to be total pain in the ass. You got to survive this.
And then, you retire. You still got to battle those incoming diseases as a result of those many phases of life. You have got to survive this, though it doesn't matter if you don't.
In the end, you survived everything, you can now go and die.
Sorry it was morbid, was not meant to be. Just a ... ok maybe slightly morbid way of looking at life in the 21st century.
(And now they are telling me 2012 Feb 1 is Armageddon. WTF? The year I graduate on my birthday.)
The way I see it, life is all about survival.
You have to survive your childhood by not dying in some freak accident. And enjoy as much of this phase as you can.
After your childhood, you begin education phase. That's where they brainwash you into mindless zombies and tell you you are a free individual cause you are educated. You gotta survive this. Its a whole load of crap actually, and at times life in this phase is really really hard.
Then you begin work. Work for society to earn your keep in society. Contribute your part for society to be parasites of Earth. And working phase absolutely sucks so bad your shit actually smells great at times (ok disgusting comparison sorry). Working politics, politicians, wages, finances, sex, booze, sin, religion and all suddenly swirls around in a cauldron that makes a concoction smellier than your shit (ok i used it again. Real sorry). You gotta survive this somehow.
Somewhere in the middle of work phase, you have kids. You fulfill your biological role, that is to reproduce (which explains why orgasms feel so great. To encourage you to breed). Your kids turn out to be total pain in the ass. You got to survive this.
And then, you retire. You still got to battle those incoming diseases as a result of those many phases of life. You have got to survive this, though it doesn't matter if you don't.
In the end, you survived everything, you can now go and die.
Sorry it was morbid, was not meant to be. Just a ... ok maybe slightly morbid way of looking at life in the 21st century.
(And now they are telling me 2012 Feb 1 is Armageddon. WTF? The year I graduate on my birthday.)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ok, if there's a God, he's on my case.
First, I got my wish from god. Read previous post. I shall not say what it is.
Then suddenly trademe.co.nz people came selling stuff that i want, all for 1$ or 2$, without competition. I bought almost 10 books off for less than 50NZD. Ok, they're mostly second hand (with a couple of brand new ones) , but what a grab!
My mistake was never acknowledging that this probable god gave it to me.
So he or she punished me.
AAAhh I made a 60 dollar mistake!! And a stupid one at that! I mistook a bed cover sheet for a DUVET cover sheet!
So yeah, I acknowledge your probable existence, oh probably god! Now grant me more good stuff.
PS : I suspect this god is Aimee, for she hath typeth to me that I have to close my eyes, speak her name out loud 3 times and the sky will open above me and she'll grace me with her presence. She said she has no money though =/
PPS : I decided Aimee is not God. She is GAWD
First, I got my wish from god. Read previous post. I shall not say what it is.
Then suddenly trademe.co.nz people came selling stuff that i want, all for 1$ or 2$, without competition. I bought almost 10 books off for less than 50NZD. Ok, they're mostly second hand (with a couple of brand new ones) , but what a grab!
My mistake was never acknowledging that this probable god gave it to me.
So he or she punished me.
AAAhh I made a 60 dollar mistake!! And a stupid one at that! I mistook a bed cover sheet for a DUVET cover sheet!
So yeah, I acknowledge your probable existence, oh probably god! Now grant me more good stuff.
PS : I suspect this god is Aimee, for she hath typeth to me that I have to close my eyes, speak her name out loud 3 times and the sky will open above me and she'll grace me with her presence. She said she has no money though =/
PPS : I decided Aimee is not God. She is GAWD
Sunday, May 17, 2009
What a day
Today I found out one thing.
If there is a God, he's a real cheapskate.
My day started horrible.
First I had a massive headache the moment I woke up I had to cancel the gym appointment with my friends to sleep it off.
Then I overslept wayyyy into lunchtime. If Kelvin hadn't messaged me, I would have missed lunch. (bugger phone didn't ring my alarm!)
After lunch, I tidied up my room and cleaned my clothes.
Then I sat down and revised my Mechanics.
The easiest question eluded me. I couldn't solve it. God knows why, but my brain is stuck. I could not even understand what the heck the lecturer was writing in the solutions. So yeah, I failed at copying answers there.
To add salt to the wound, I realized my room keys are missing. They cost 15NZD to get a replacement.
Feeling extremely pissed, I chucked the text books away and started playing poker on facebook. Lost my trousers.
I then turned to computer games, hoping to massacre the computer players.
I got kicked in the ass and had a cucumber shoved inside (ok disgusting analogy. Sorry)
Then all the items I bid on trademe.co.nz were outbid (they were fantastic bargains)
Which, is a string of extremely bad news. To top it off, I could not find my maths assignment that I did partly before.
Which means, I lost my keys when I tidied my room, and I threw away my maths assignment together with scrap paper.
So I yelled out in MSN at god.
"Dear god, the only thing that can compensate my shitty day is by giving me 1000nzd to spend"
And what happened?
God gave me back my maths assignment AFTER i printed a new one and finished it.
God gave me back my keys, which he hid among my instant noodle stash.
AND he let me kick the computer players' ass and shove brinjals up three times over.
I say, you cheapskate you!
Above all is true except my feelings for God though, everyone knows I am agnostic hahaha xD
If there is a God, he's a real cheapskate.
My day started horrible.
First I had a massive headache the moment I woke up I had to cancel the gym appointment with my friends to sleep it off.
Then I overslept wayyyy into lunchtime. If Kelvin hadn't messaged me, I would have missed lunch. (bugger phone didn't ring my alarm!)
After lunch, I tidied up my room and cleaned my clothes.
Then I sat down and revised my Mechanics.
The easiest question eluded me. I couldn't solve it. God knows why, but my brain is stuck. I could not even understand what the heck the lecturer was writing in the solutions. So yeah, I failed at copying answers there.
To add salt to the wound, I realized my room keys are missing. They cost 15NZD to get a replacement.
Feeling extremely pissed, I chucked the text books away and started playing poker on facebook. Lost my trousers.
I then turned to computer games, hoping to massacre the computer players.
I got kicked in the ass and had a cucumber shoved inside (ok disgusting analogy. Sorry)
Then all the items I bid on trademe.co.nz were outbid (they were fantastic bargains)
Which, is a string of extremely bad news. To top it off, I could not find my maths assignment that I did partly before.
Which means, I lost my keys when I tidied my room, and I threw away my maths assignment together with scrap paper.
So I yelled out in MSN at god.
"Dear god, the only thing that can compensate my shitty day is by giving me 1000nzd to spend"
And what happened?
God gave me back my maths assignment AFTER i printed a new one and finished it.
God gave me back my keys, which he hid among my instant noodle stash.
AND he let me kick the computer players' ass and shove brinjals up three times over.
I say, you cheapskate you!
Above all is true except my feelings for God though, everyone knows I am agnostic hahaha xD
Friday, April 24, 2009
Quirks at work
Was at the gym, in the cardio section.
Went over to the bicycles-that-won't-move thingys.
Saw an empty one.
Went towards the empty one.
Guy cycling the bicycles-that-won't-move BESIDE the empty one saw me.
Made eye contact somehow.
And I asked (while pointing at the empty one).
"Are you using this?"
In tutorial session, teamed up with some Indonesian and China Chinese.
And the Indonesian said to me.
"You are Malaysian right?"
"How did you know?"
"Because your accent is super strong".
Went over to the bicycles-that-won't-move thingys.
Saw an empty one.
Went towards the empty one.
Guy cycling the bicycles-that-won't-move BESIDE the empty one saw me.
Made eye contact somehow.
And I asked (while pointing at the empty one).
"Are you using this?"
In tutorial session, teamed up with some Indonesian and China Chinese.
And the Indonesian said to me.
"You are Malaysian right?"
"How did you know?"
"Because your accent is super strong".
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I am alive!
Yes, I am alive and very much enjoying life right now.
Weather's cool.
Classes are few.
Food's not bad.
Babes galore.
Beautiful sceneries.
What's there to hate?
Malaysian students here who don't know how to use the toilet.
In Auckland.
How sad is that?
Seriously, our politicians have to be the only ones in the world worshiping a tree as tree of democracy. And the other side is equally stupid to try and come up with ploys to destroy or undermine that tree.
NZ is, well, pretty much an ecofriendly place. Greenery everywhere, rare rubbish sightings on the roads, no politicking in the newspapers (the newspapers are fuck boring. Everyday there's a feature about a cat. A handsome cat. A heroic cat. A lazy cat. Wtf?) I don't bother reading the newspaper here btw, Malaysian newspapers amuse me more.
Well, NZ is pretty much the place to retire at. No joke. Its so peaceful here, anyone can just come here and waste life away with the sheeps, and cows, AND CATS. Funny how there doesn't seem to be any strays, and dog sightings are far more common than cats.
Anyway, will update with more freak theories when I have the time (and idea).
But here's a rant about facebook to satisfy you guys for now, if you even come to my blog anymore.
As I mentioned in my previous post, people get stupider as we multiply (which john made some huge calculation errors and claimed he solved the problem)
Nono, politicians or Malaysian students abroad aside, its facebook. Malaysians on facebook. Melayu Cina India.
The answers given are so general, it is correct for everyone. Are you a true Johorean? Yes you are. Are you an anak Kedah? Yes you are. You are a hot lover (obviously you are not, I mean look at yourself..). You are a good kisser (ever kissed?). You are great in bed (bet you're a virgin). You are sentimental (yeah, sentimeter + obviously mental). If you are a politician, you will be the Prime Minister (a big IF. How many Prime Ministers can we IF HAVE anyway).
For fuck's sake, those quizzes
1) Waste time
2) Annoy the hell out of me
3) Insults intelligence
4) Waste energy and memory
5) and many more...
Now if I can just find out how to turn off those quizzes, facebook conveniently hid that teeny weeny little button that can shut your quizzes out of my laptop screen...
Excuse the anger and the angst in this post. I just spent 3 whole days on assignments. It severely damaged my internal organs, killed 80% of my brain cells (which explains why I hate Aimee for introducing me Zahada at this untimely moment. It killed the other 20%) and made me lose weight. So yeah, if you have weight problems, come do my assignment.
Weather's cool.
Classes are few.
Food's not bad.
Babes galore.
Beautiful sceneries.
What's there to hate?
Malaysian students here who don't know how to use the toilet.
In Auckland.
How sad is that?
Seriously, our politicians have to be the only ones in the world worshiping a tree as tree of democracy. And the other side is equally stupid to try and come up with ploys to destroy or undermine that tree.
NZ is, well, pretty much an ecofriendly place. Greenery everywhere, rare rubbish sightings on the roads, no politicking in the newspapers (the newspapers are fuck boring. Everyday there's a feature about a cat. A handsome cat. A heroic cat. A lazy cat. Wtf?) I don't bother reading the newspaper here btw, Malaysian newspapers amuse me more.
Well, NZ is pretty much the place to retire at. No joke. Its so peaceful here, anyone can just come here and waste life away with the sheeps, and cows, AND CATS. Funny how there doesn't seem to be any strays, and dog sightings are far more common than cats.
Anyway, will update with more freak theories when I have the time (and idea).
But here's a rant about facebook to satisfy you guys for now, if you even come to my blog anymore.
As I mentioned in my previous post, people get stupider as we multiply (which john made some huge calculation errors and claimed he solved the problem)
Nono, politicians or Malaysian students abroad aside, its facebook. Malaysians on facebook. Melayu Cina India.
The answers given are so general, it is correct for everyone. Are you a true Johorean? Yes you are. Are you an anak Kedah? Yes you are. You are a hot lover (obviously you are not, I mean look at yourself..). You are a good kisser (ever kissed?). You are great in bed (bet you're a virgin). You are sentimental (yeah, sentimeter + obviously mental). If you are a politician, you will be the Prime Minister (a big IF. How many Prime Ministers can we IF HAVE anyway).
For fuck's sake, those quizzes
1) Waste time
2) Annoy the hell out of me
3) Insults intelligence
4) Waste energy and memory
5) and many more...
Now if I can just find out how to turn off those quizzes, facebook conveniently hid that teeny weeny little button that can shut your quizzes out of my laptop screen...
Excuse the anger and the angst in this post. I just spent 3 whole days on assignments. It severely damaged my internal organs, killed 80% of my brain cells (which explains why I hate Aimee for introducing me Zahada at this untimely moment. It killed the other 20%) and made me lose weight. So yeah, if you have weight problems, come do my assignment.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Professor Leslie has a new theory. Its about human intelligence.
First, let me illustrate what intelligence is by giving you incomprehensible and incorrigible examples, analogies and bullshit.
Imagine a fixed value 'x' (oh its mathematics now), assigned to intelligence. Note that 'x' is a constant.
Now, let us say, the more intelligence we have, the more functions we are able to do.
Which explains how the first humans managed to survive. There's only one man and woman. And they managed to survive by finding food and reproduce (imagine that! One man hunter vs. a dinosaur)
This is because the man had 'x' divided by 2 units of intelligence. Meaning he can do half the things ever possible for human, because he's smart enough. So he's smart, he can kill a T-rex by himself without brawn (but lets just add the brawn to make it more realistic). So the first man is a muscular and smart man who can kill a T-rex with his bare hands (what part of intelligence comes in anyway.. but this is proven by absolutely nothing).
Fast forward a lot. Today we have 7 billion people in the world.
Which means...
You have 'x' divided by 7 billion units of intelligence. Note that 'x' is not infinity.
Simply said, you are getting stupider as we multiply.
Which explains why people go into 'specialization', meaning you 'can only perform one task which somehow passes the bottom line of bullshit retarded job done at a single time'.
So if we extrapolate the non-existent graph, soon humans will have .. lets say an infinitesimal value of intelligence unit per person.
No more multitasking. Too difficult. Specialization brought to a new level.
One group of humans to work. One group of humans to do nothing. One group of humans to screw everyone up and reproduce. One group of retarded humans can only complain.
So which means the more people we have, the stupider we are.
I don't know about you, but I am opting for the group to reproduce.
Damn I feel stupider by the minute already, people stop fucking around!!
After a long long hiatus because I was too busy doing nothing, I shall update about my life.
In less than 12 hours I am flying to Auckland.
Yes unfortunately I am coming back. After 4 years. Till then, I shall be (probably) updating this blog (maybe) frequently with (perhaps) the most enthusiasm.
Oh by the way, I registered a skype id to make free calls to my family and friends (why does Digi put friends first anyway)
Its prof_leslie.
Yes I know its a nice id. Thank you.
First, let me illustrate what intelligence is by giving you incomprehensible and incorrigible examples, analogies and bullshit.
Imagine a fixed value 'x' (oh its mathematics now), assigned to intelligence. Note that 'x' is a constant.
Now, let us say, the more intelligence we have, the more functions we are able to do.
Which explains how the first humans managed to survive. There's only one man and woman. And they managed to survive by finding food and reproduce (imagine that! One man hunter vs. a dinosaur)
This is because the man had 'x' divided by 2 units of intelligence. Meaning he can do half the things ever possible for human, because he's smart enough. So he's smart, he can kill a T-rex by himself without brawn (but lets just add the brawn to make it more realistic). So the first man is a muscular and smart man who can kill a T-rex with his bare hands (what part of intelligence comes in anyway.. but this is proven by absolutely nothing).
Fast forward a lot. Today we have 7 billion people in the world.
Which means...
You have 'x' divided by 7 billion units of intelligence. Note that 'x' is not infinity.
Simply said, you are getting stupider as we multiply.
Which explains why people go into 'specialization', meaning you 'can only perform one task which somehow passes the bottom line of bullshit retarded job done at a single time'.
So if we extrapolate the non-existent graph, soon humans will have .. lets say an infinitesimal value of intelligence unit per person.
No more multitasking. Too difficult. Specialization brought to a new level.
One group of humans to work. One group of humans to do nothing. One group of humans to screw everyone up and reproduce. One group of retarded humans can only complain.
So which means the more people we have, the stupider we are.
I don't know about you, but I am opting for the group to reproduce.
Damn I feel stupider by the minute already, people stop fucking around!!
After a long long hiatus because I was too busy doing nothing, I shall update about my life.
In less than 12 hours I am flying to Auckland.
Yes unfortunately I am coming back. After 4 years. Till then, I shall be (probably) updating this blog (maybe) frequently with (perhaps) the most enthusiasm.
Oh by the way, I registered a skype id to make free calls to my family and friends (why does Digi put friends first anyway)
Its prof_leslie.
Yes I know its a nice id. Thank you.
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