Anyway.. asking ministers to adopt a Mat Rempit so that they will be guided towards a better life.
If you consider his proposition, it makes quite a bit of sense. Considering the fact that these Mat Rempits usually (not all, note that) learn these stuff through their friends and lack of parental guidance. Ministers could coach them! Coached by a minister!!
Ah back to the subject. It is no easy task, shows that the minister is ready to sacrifice lots of time and effort for the nation. He should be praised!!
Why is everybody at Kennysia.com laughing at them??
Yeah yeah, ministers nowaday seems to have a bad reputation.
1 ) Building fairytale castles without permission ( 'Others can do it why not me?' )
2 ) Over-adrenaline-drive in meetings ( hey they meant well, don't take it personally )
3 ) Blaming women for being victims of sexual-related crimes ( i did mention it before )
4 ) Laughable remarks all the time though they really meant it..
Yeah that's just a couple of examples. Now this minister has taken a better approach. He believes that will work for Mat Rempits.
Come on lar... as if these Mat Rempits will come with open arms and smile at you and say 'ADOPT ME!!!'
Adoption basically goes two ways since it involves two parties. It has to be accepted by both parties. Mat Rempits are not kids. They are full grown adolescents. Though their mental mind begs to differ, but yes they are old enough to take care of themselves.
So, this is a suggestion. Why not we follow the minister's advice?
Yeah, what I mean is, we can also use this on our ministers!!! Adopt-a-minister. So that they will not be so stressed all the time and start suggestion exagerrated stuff. They can be guided so that they will not stray from being realistic.
Or maybe its just me ( and many more people ) unable to accept such stuff from leaders.
But then.. :) After all.. Malaysia Boleh!
NS alert! NS alert! I am being sent to Masjid Tanah, Malacca for NS. Starting from 1st january 2007 to 11th March 2007. Now who was it that said it was to be 3 months?? Its 2 months and a week! And oh yeah, minus a week from that for CNY holidays. 2 months.
4 weeks spent on physical training. Wtf..
Bee is being sent to Miri! SERIOUS OR NOT??? Wahlau I missed Miri. I like Sarawak a lot. Lots of greenery there.
A couple of friends were posted for third group. That's somewhere around.. June. My aunt says they will most probably be able to skip NS.
June, Form 6 starts already. Not to mention some of them are thinking of joining the January or March intake for colleges. There'll be lots of evading, excuses, cat-and-mouse game, police catch thief, jail for school students and all.
Funny the way we plan things.
I dedicate a special small part for our local political party here. PAS.
Seriously, Nik Aziz never fails to amuse me. :) I don't mean to be disrespectful.. but.. well..
Here's something he said before.
"Women should always sing lullaby to their husband. This is so that the husband will sleep well and wake up a happy man. A happy man will be a productive man."
Something like that. Can't remember his exact words. There were more strange and funny stuff from him, but I can't really remember.
And currently, the latest news about him. Again, my memory fails me. I can't remember the date when I saw it in the newspaper, but here goes :)
Nik Aziz - "We should consider employing more women who are not that good looking rather than employing women who are good looking. This is because pretty women tend to get married earlier and be tied down with family affairs. On the other hand, women who do not look so good can focus on their work more easily."
Hello? Does the word physical discrimination mean anything? You are a religious and political leader for Gods sake. Malaysia is a country where individual quality is what enables us to achieve success, not because we look ugly.
Note : Success here in this context means landing a job.
The next thing you know? Suggestions like 'Ugly men should not work because they are not happy as they do not have wives to satisfy their needs.'.. might abound anytime.
Am I glad Johor is not under PAS. Can't imagine life working in the office without attractive co-workers for occasional distraction xD
Again I say, Malaysia Boleh :D