Monday, May 29, 2006
As usual, transport is a major headache again for me. It is nearer for me to go straight to Endau Rompin and meet them there. But STAR wants me to go to Petaling Jaya, meet up with everyone and go together. And the STAR staff suggested I tumpang Wanny's car there. I would have to go past PJ into Ipoh just to sit in her car. That's an excellent suggestion anyway.
Anyway, moral project was a huge fiasco. Firstly, one guy started spreading "Moral project must pass up tomorrow. Then can get very good advantage. What advantage I cannot tell you lar.." Then everyone started doing Moral Project. I did mine until 2 o clock in the morning, and Zhi Wei until 4am. Then, spent the entire Monday morning completing the finishing touches and handing up.
Then I went to Zhi Wei's house, and well.. two nut guys in the same home, which conveniently is empty. We are not gay, mind you. But we did make a couple of musical videos ( MTV!!! ). Some are stupid beyond reason, you don't know want to laugh or ask us to get a life. Some are so pointless they exceeded the point of hilarity.
If you want them, disturb Zhi Wei for it. He will proceed to torture you mentally first, then make you beg for it. But trust me, some will be worth it. Because its so pointless. LoL
See you in Endau Rompin Chris and Wanny! And whoever BRAT I know is going :)
Friday, May 26, 2006
Talk about mixed emotions
Anyway, English paper was quite a coaster ride for me. Well I mean the essay paper. Time allocated is 1 hour 45 minutes. Two essays, one directed and one continuous. Just like our BM counterpart. And BM is given 2 hours and 30 minutes. Go figure the 45 minutes balance. Anyway, we are supposed to spend 45 minutes on the directed one and 1 hour on the continuous one, since the continuous writing has to be longer than the directed ( though not specified, but its a general opinion. Mob rule syot.. )
We started at 8.00am and scheduled to end at 9.45am. I began writing my directed essay with confidence. Easy easy lar.. points given, only need to show show a bit of flowery language used in the correct way. I got too engrossed in writing, and soon found I had already written three pages and only nearing the end. So I finished it at three and a half pages, that's like two pages extra from what teacher expects. Checked the time, 9.05 ( or was it 9.10? ) then sweared. Bloody hell!@#?? That's like half an hour off my continuous writing!! So I grabbed the nearest topic to me, LITERALLY! I really DID that! Question 5 was at the bottomest of the 5 questions and nearest to me. lol..
Grabbed the question, and began writing without thought at all. I finished at three and a half pages also. Checked the time. 9.30am. WTF?@?!#?? 25-30 minutes to produce a three pages and a half essay?? I felt stupid for a moment. Then I felt proud for a moment. Then I felt stupid again. Then I gave up, stapled and covered the paper and slept for 15 minutes.
Will post it in my blog to brag if it exceeds my initial expectation ( before I entered the exam class ), which is 42 out of 50. If its less, forget it.
Anyway, there seems to be a reason to brag after all. I was told that I scored highest in English in Science and Technology paper in my class. 94 out of 100. I was like.. what? Zhi Wei is second highest I think, and he lost to me by 5 marks!! YEAAAAaaa!! What a lead!
Forget it. Anyway, just submitted my entry for the BRATs elephant thingy in Endau-Rompin. Hopefully it gets through. The dateline given was 23rd I know, and its the 26th now. Well, I was informed the dateline was extended ( the notification mail was sent on the 22nd. Bloody hell ) So what the heck, go for it.
Anyway, whether or not I get through, here's the essay. Criticize more than praise. This is done with my mental state at its lowest, that's when I talk normally but brain absolutely halt all processes. Meaning, I talk or type without thinking. Belief me, you wouldn't want to see the original one. This is the 2nd one I wrote, more effort is put into it.
Why do you think we should help save elephants and how you can help create awareness in your community.
Why do you think we should help save the elephants from extinction? The reason is because WE can!
As each day passes by, the list of wildlife extinction grows at a steady pace. Our own elephants are not that far down the list, and they are nearing the brink of extinction. When that happens, many will lament how useful and fun it was to have elephants while they existed.
This is because elephants have proved themselves to be extremely useful to mankind. Since ages past, elephants have been used as a form of transportation and to pull the royal coaches. Even up until today, they are still used for ceremonial and religious purposes.
Elephants are one of the most popular creatures among humans. Even as we learn our alphabets, we recite that “E” stands for Elephants. Walt Disney also made a classical cartoon that is well loved throughout the world, which is “Dumbo” based on an elephant that can fly. If these elephants are extinct, then we are denying our future generation the pleasure of seeing an actual elephant! They have learned and watched so much, but are unable to see an elephant in reality!
Elephants are also part of the biosis component in the ecosystem. They play their biological part in the food chain and maintain the population of other animals and plants. This interdependent relationship is what makes them a key biological species in the tropical forests and therefore they must be protected. If they are unable to play their role, then the ecosystem’s delicate balance might be severely disrupted and result in a catastrophic chain events that could alter our rainforests!
Elephants are dwindling at an alarming rate mainly because of human activities. As human population grows at a steady pace, the demand for food also increases. This result in more land being cleared for agricultural purposes, which leads to the elephant’s natural habitat being destroyed! When their natural habitat can not support them, they will eventually lose and die out. What we should do is gazette larger areas as forest reserves and wildlife rehabilitation centers to create a haven for these great gentle beasts.
We must show our people the sorry plight of these elephants to instill awareness in our community. Documentaries are generally described as boring; therefore a new approach to producing a documentary must be implemented. Instead of just some narrator droning while a video of elephants are shown, we should try shooting the documentary in such a way that it can capture the viewer’s attention.
Besides that, we should place more emphasis on rural areas instead of focusing our campaigns and public speeches in urban areas. It is pretty common nowadays to read in the newspaper about elephants being shot dead by villagers for destroying their crops. It is an undeniable fact that the destruction of their habitat is what leads them to invade our villages. Rural folks must be enlightened not to kill them, instead cooperate with the authorities to relocate these elephants to our wildlife rehabilitation centers.
Elephants are also hunted for their hides and tusks as these possess high commercial values. We must launch campaigns and include a topic in Moral Education regarding endangered species to educate our people to stop trading in these goods. When there is no substantial support, the market will eventually collapse and poachers might leave these elephants alone for good. That is an effective way in the long run to preserve our elephants.
In conclusion, everyone must play their part in ensuring that our elephants are not wiped out from the face of the Earth!
Written by,
Ng Leslie
Kuching BRATs 2005
(600 words)
Feel free to comment. Aisyah helped me a lot. She even dared to call Ju Eng at night lol. Got herself scolded. Thanks a bunch ^^
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hail the new philosophy
WARNING : This post contains obscenities. Parental Guidance is ( NEVER invite any adults here or I am as good as dead ) advised. Not suitable for kids under 15 and those who value their sanity. Read at your own risk.
Alright, after the entire "Penguins don't eat Potatoes" fiasco, we have a new philosophy. Its profoundly obscene, and to be honest.. its funny to us ( meaning me and Zhi Wei ). Zhi Wei refuses to claim any credit because it sounds so obscene, so I am going to name him "Mr. Z". Now who is Mr Z? Nobody knows right!?
Anyway, it started on TEACHER'S DAY. School was.. how shall I put it.. Extreme fun. It exceeded our demands for time wasting and feeling bored activities. So, we went off to the school library, all three of us ( Me, Zhi Wei and Wee Kwong ).
We started crapping and laughing among ourselves like nutcases. Hey, thankfully the library was empty =.=" But I could feel the librarian was... let's just say she is shocked.
Then, finally we settled down with books. Ah Kwong started revising his history notes. I was staring at my history notes. And Zhi Wei was laughing by himself.
So, I stumbled upon this question in the book. It goes.. something like this..
"Zaman Neolitik.. bla bla.. merupakan permulaan tamadun manusia.. bla bla.. Nyatakan ciri-ciri"
So I was like.. starting to mentally list out the "Ciri-ciri"s... Then when I checked the answer..
Jawapan : Sila rujuk bahagian "Neolitik" di muka surat !@#.
So i showed it to Mr Z. He laughed and started saying "Bercucuk Tanam". Here's the dialogue about the birth of the new philosophy. Something like that anyway, you get the general idea.
Mr Z : It's bercucuk tanam ain't it?
Me : Yup.
Mr Z : Actually right, humans are also produced by 'Bercucuk Tanam'.
Me : @_@??
Mr Z : See ar.. the guy Cucuk, then he tanam the seeds. That is how humans are produced.
Me : Wahlao eh damn cool!
Mr Z : That is why.. humans are actually plants!
Me : That can walk, talk, eat, run, and have sex.
Mr Z : And all plants have chloroplasts..
Me : So where's our chloroplasts?
Mr Z : Up your rectum.
Me : I SEE! So that is the main reason why we cannot produce food ourselves! Because there is no sunlight there!
So you should get it by now. Humans are plants that walk and has chlorophyll. And the reason we cannot produce our own food is because all the chloroplasts are up our rectum, or anus, or asshole, and there is no sunlight there!
Anyway, I find that freaking funny. Ah Kwong was trying very hard to revise there, and we were talking about chloroplasts in human's rectum. He was shaking his head vigorously. Poor guy.
So, another guy came in. Our classmate. This joke was freaking funny at that time, I don't know about typing it here now, but here goes. I call that guy Mr. SG
Mr SG : You guys saw my Maths book in the class?
Mr Z : No.
Mr SG : Who could have taken it?
Mr Z : Actually right, its some form 6 girl who likes you. She took it for you but she dare not tell you because she likes you too much.
Mr SG : Yeah right, and who is she? Where can I find her ( very sarcastic tone )
Mr Z : You can find..
Me : The one that's not wearing any shirt.
That was sick. I didn't know why I became so spontaneous and blurted out that sick stuff lol.
So cool lar.. it's just so cool I can just sit here and say "Cooooooooooooooooool~~......"
Anyway, here's a little interesting information.
Form 6 in HSBP this year. 300 students. Out of 300. 250+ girls. And so far I have not spotted any hot chicks. Damn disappointed lar! I mean, its 250+ girls! If there is not a single hot chick.. oh my god..
After another week or two.. we expect it to be reduced to 100 or less. Many are "tumpang students" who are waiting for scholarships or just waiting to go.
And in reference with the chroloplast theory, I started calling one of my friends "Chroloboy" which brings the meaning "Up-your-ass-kid". How cool.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Its a Penguin eat Penguin world..
Then, the biology paper today. It was nuts. Paper 3, the experiment could not be found in the text book. LoL WtF?
"Mengkaji kesan nilai pH ke atas aktiviti yis"
Damn cool lar...
Anyway, this is a brief post, just wanted to update and take a break from poring over the biology books. I could actually feel the words peeling off the page by the sheer power of my stare.
And here's a tip to guys who find revising hard. A few simple steps.
1. Take your text book ( whichever subject )
2. Burn it
3. Put the ashes in a cup of mineral water
4. Stir well and drink. You will find the information stored solidly in your bladder.
An easier alternative for guys like me who revises while lying down ( Hey lying down enables you to think better and faster )
1. Take four text books or reference books ( or three ) regarding the subject you want to revise
2. Put it on your bed
3. Lie down and rest your head on the books
4. Read from another book ( it can be another subject, but preferably the same )
5. The information from the textbooks under your head will seep into your head through osmosis
This method is damn useful for Moral Education.
*Warning* : It might be too comfortable. However, when you fall asleep, the osmosis process will continue. Take care, this must be done at the beginning of your revision. If your head is already full of useless facts, don't try this. Osmosis will happen, but will be from your head to the books. Hey, go study lar! Osmosis happens according to the 'kepekatan'. So if your head is already 'pekat' with information, it will seep out! Maybe some calls it reverse osmosis?
After watching the movie "Final Fantasy VII Advent Children", I just feel so damn shiok lar.. In fact, was so mesmerized that I downloaded the entire soundtrack for the game and the movie and blasted the stereo at home whole day. Final Fantasy VII is still the best RPG game to me. And the soundtracks rock!
The following soundtracks of FFVII are what I presume to be the best :
1. Aeris' Theme ( I give it a 10 out of 10, which I seldom does to soundtracks )
2. Cloud Smiles ( 8 out of 10 )
3. Tifa's Theme ( 8 out of 10 )
4. Ahead on Our Way ( 7 out of 10 )
5. The Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII ( 7 out of 10 )
For a more excitable soundtrack, as those 5 above are considered "soft and soothing music", try the ones themed on the bad guys.
1. J-E-N-O-V-A ( I give 8 out of 10 )
2. One Winged Angel ( The name is so cool, the music is so good I give it 9 out of 10 )
For those who don't know, One Winged Angel is Sephiroth. Damn handsome, sword damn cool, he's just such a cool guy. And he looks a bit like a penguin with long white hair wielding a long long sword. So cool.
Following Final Fantasy VII, I seriously put the game "Lufia II" as the second best RPG game ever. The soundtracks also rock! But I cannot find it.. yet :(
These two games are great in the sense that
1. Great storyline
2. Lots of puzzles that require you to think a hell lot before you can actually pass
3. Lots of secrets
4. Great music
Damn, now I am itching to play Final Fantasy VII again. Unfortunately, its hard to find it on CD for computers now, and the game is published in 1998, and meant to fit for slower and dumbass computers. Nowadays computers are so modern and sophisticated, it cannot support a game that is published 7 years ago. What the hell lar... Need to find the patch for the game to run on Windows XP :)
On an ending note.. Zhi Wei sketched this in class. I took the trouble to Google for pictures and put it here.
A few more pictures of penguin that I found.. so damn cool lar..
And while I was searching for photos.. I came across this site. Double whammy for BP gang and some of the BRATs.
Its called.. "The Penguin Conspiracy".
The Penguin Conspiracy
This site claims that Penguins are bad and will take over the
Damn cool right?
Friday, May 05, 2006
Stress syot
Anyway, Batu Pahat will be representing Zone C ( Johor, Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang ) to the National Level Debate in Selangor 19-21st June. In Shah Alam so I heard.
Well, for some detailed information, you can go to zhi wei's blog and look at the insanely nonsensical pictures they took in Terengganu ( none of the pretty girls were in though :( damnit zhi wei, you are so horny that you didn't even bother to take their photos ). Well, if you are wodnering, no i am not providing a link there. Some *CENSORED because too vulgar* apparently know of my blog, and he likes secrecy. See? Damn horny right! Horny Zhi Wei. :P
Back to myself. For this month, I am facing :
1. Mid year exam. Its going to be fucking tough for me because I have not done much revision.
2. I am facing my driving test at the first day of exam. Thankfully, the first day is Chinese paper, I am not involved.
3. I am facing some problems in my uniform body, so I get generally fucked up.
4. As Zhi Wei put it to words.. my ass is on fire again.
5. I got crazy and started a mega download project. Six episodes of Star Wars® in one freaking go. 4.2GB!!!!
The driving thingy is making me jittery. I don't know why. When I am not driving, my heart can beat extra fast, and I get nervous and shaky. When I am driving, I feel sleepy. And I still cannot control my addiction to Yeo's Green Tea™ and Potatoes®.
Apparently, Miss Lebah ( or Bee Bee as most humans call her ), someone whom I have yet to meet, but is a BRAT herself, drew a picture of me and zhi wei. As Octopie ( plural for Octopus ). Kind of cool when you think of it. Tako Leslie and Tako Zhi Wei. And we are not gay thank you. We are pretty straight and horny.. erm.. make that friendly.
Its called Squish and Squash by the way. Squish is the Yellow Dude ( And that's Tako Zhi Wei ) and Squash is the Purple Dude ( Tako Leslie ). Damn cool lar.
All in all.. stress syot. Pretty stressed up these few days. Fortunately I have Potato to help me ;)