Today ( tuesday 28th February 2006 ) was a freaking waste of time in school. Only had three out of ten classes wtf? Been a long time ( yeah right ) since I last updated this blog, it's cool.. really. Attended two freaking meetings today, one is about the leadership course for all presidents, secretaries, treasurers and vice presidents. And the second is the prefect's monthly meeting. Zhi Wei skipped school to go for a Mathemathics quiz today, and I had to pick up all his mess as he managed to skip both meetings and all the empty classes. Anyway, the leadership thingy meeting was chaotic with everyone not being able to understand what the fuck the counselor was talking about, but aah, after an hour everything was sorted out... as if. Confirm sure got case or problems. It's just sooner or later.
And the prefects meeting was just great. The Ketua Pengawas and his committess were fucking everyone up, which is good. Prefects in High School is just a name, what with all the Premier or Best student hype. They are ultimately just humans, oh wait, I mean WE are just humans. And boy, what kind of humans would we make '_'||| Anyway, all the AJKs were bitching and scolding the naughty boys, like when I scold my boys in St John. I was feeling a little pissed myself. Some of the AJKs are veeery efficient in reporting others when they find them not performing their duties, and yet they are the bitches who bitch around without doing THEIR duties. So immediately after the meeting, I stared intently at the Ketua Pengawas.
"I tell you, Your AJKs haven't totally make me fire up. When they do, I tell you they are really going to get it. ( Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad )"
And he went like 'I know lar... I am trying to catch them' Whatever.
And damn, I should have mentioned this earlier, but whatever.
Apparently my tuition teacher is having problems with students now. Hey, its a tuition alright, we come and go as we please, we like we stay and shut the fuck up, we don't like we brush our sory asses and get the fuck out of there!
Since earlier this year, my teacher had this problem with MoFo students. Well, in Januari a fucking parent called and complained that the tuition center was wrong to charge RM10 for photostat fees. I mean, WTF? My teacher was so freaked out she threatened to close all the tuition classes. I mean, she is a good teacher! And how on earth do such kind of parents exist? 'Bagaimana acuan begitulah kuihnya' - BM version. The Leslie version would probably go 'Motherfuckers will only produce Motherfuckers'.
Well, she got over that. And the next thing you know, today another parent bitched to her again. This time, I haven't got the full story yet, and its High School boys again. Sometimes I think the change is too dramatic. I mean, look at my group, my batch. We are such great students! And look at the form 4!? What the FUCK? I mean, wow wtf? Sissies, most of them.
So here's what she has told us so far. She jokingly scolded a boy, who happens to be a blurcase, always forgetting his books, notes, a sotong ( blur sotong lar! ). So when she made a mistake ( something like missed a line in the sajak she wrote on the whiteboard ) and one MoFo yelled 'Sotong!' and another MoFo clapped his hands. That made all the High School form 4 boys laugh. While the girls remain stunned. Come on lar! Jokers also no skill! Me and Zhi Wei can make the class in uproar without much of a problem. We can even make teacher laugh. So, hey wtf, she is a teacher! Even me and Zhi Wei don't do that! We respect them!
But she just shrug it off. Whatever. So, when we were having our tuition today, the parent of the 'blurcase' came and complained. She said teacher shouldn't call her son a sotong. -_-" I mean, if teacher called me a sotong, I would make a pin and pin it proudly with the words 'Teacher called me a sotong. Don't laugh yet. It takes one to know one' I dare you to laugh. So the parent comes and bitch around, and fucks teacher up. Teacher was so pissed, and ( as Navin would put it ) Pei Check. She cried for the third time in two months. In front of us.
Conclusion? Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad in school. Many of us wants to fuck up the MoFos in school for being such a bitch.
Well, just proves that kids are being pampered too much. Parents defend their kids when necessary, and when UNnecessary now. I mean, a kid would go like 'Don't scold me, don't touch me, don't yell at me, don't EVEN LOOK at me! Or my mama will see you in court.' Yeah, tell her it's a date.
Problem with my juniors now? There are two. One, as I said, they are pampered, and parents are overdoing the protect-your-kid thing, they would never grow up. If I did that to my dad, like 'Hey dad, I got beaten up in school. I want you to complain to school, and get the kid who did it asswalloped real good' And my dad would probably shrug his shoulders and go 'Experience, that will teach you not to go around talking nonsense' Second problem, I mean, LOOK AT THEIR SIZE MAN! Even one drunkard teacher in my school once yelled loudly during sports 'KENAPA BUDAK FORM 1 SEKARANG SEMUA KECIK MACAM SEMUT?!!!!!' Heh, that seriously cracks me up. And he even scolded students to keep of the tracks, but the form 1 boys apparently are not intimidated, don't care, don't understand, or just being freaking dumb to stand still on the tracks while the 100m event is going on. So the drunkard teacher was like 'OI! TAK FAHAM BAHASA MELAYU EH!? NAK SAYA KATA BAHASA APA? BAHASA CINA? BAHASA HOKKIEN? BAHASA CANTONESE? BAHASA INGGERIS?' And the student thought seriously for a while, with his left hand supporting the elbow of his right and his right hand's forefinger at his chin those kind of look. After a few seconds, he went 'Bahasa Hokkien sir'
That drunkard was *chibaboooom!*
Problem one continued. Let me ask you this serious thing. When was the last time, your parents actually brought food to school for you during recess, and accompanied you until recess officially ends? Mine was standard 1, when I was, like 7? And even then, it was the first day in school, after that, I never get to see my parents in school until now. This year, I was like WTF?
January, for the entire month, parents came and visit regularly, usually with food during recess. And their kids would run to them and go 'OH PAPA MAMA! I MISS YOU SO!! AND I AM HUNGRY!!' And I would stand behind and go like 'WTF ARE YOU 13???' Well, not yet. But I mean, YOU ARE IN FREAKING SECONDARY SCHOOL MAN!
Met another tuition teacher sometime when I went out for dinner. She taught me science for three years for PMR. So I was like 'EEHHH TEACHER! Long time no see!' and we began chatting. She was like 'Eh you all form 1 boys ar, really bad lar. I teaching until half, my handphone ring non stop.' I went like, 'Har? Whai?' And her reply?
"Harlow? How is my son ar? In tuition good or not??"
I would seriously answer 'Hey fuck you man! Your son is a boy, so let him have some privacy and stop disturbing me!'
Such a good life. Seriously wonder how are they going to assume positions as the leaders of clubs, uniform bodies and sports? Heh, imagine lar one of them being the commander of say.. any uniform body's marching contingent.
Wahahahahaa.. Got to check back school in 2-3 years time man.
Starting my driving lessons next week.
Side note : GOD! SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL WHEN SHE SMILES!!!! Aaarrggh, control control! Its just the hormones!! *chants* Its just the hormones, its just the hormones *chants*
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Apparently I discovered who I really am. I am my parent's son alright! I inherited traits from both mother and father. When my father was informed that I crashed from a motorbike, he just shrugged and said 'Experience, its good for you'. And my mother forgot about it almost immediately. Put them together and you get a short-term memory, cynical and sarcastic, and problematic dude like me. Physical appearance, well, I look handsome, that's it.
Anyway, sometimes I can never figure out people in love. My brother came back from Singapore with his fiance and her family, so we went to the only shopping complex in Batu Pahat. Apparently she wanted to find a song for her wedding dinner, which would be on around September or October. She couldn't find it, and threw a tantrum. -_-" Refused to leave until she gets her song. So my bro tried to tell her that there is still plenty of time, but you know lar.. my bro.. My family all possess the same trait ( except maybe me? ) That is, convenience is our middle name. Not to mention cheap ( thrifty if any family member is reading this ). Its always 'Aiya, easier this way mar!' or 'Its more convenient, so we do it this way' Sometimes we do go an extra mile just to be 'convenient'. The scenario comes even worse if it comes to money. But with money, only part of the family. Some are extremely generous, and some are extremely stingy.
Anyway, my brother just asked her this question 'You getting married tomorrow or what? What's the rush?' There. The kind of question my dad would ask. The kind of question I would ask. Its in the blood. So she was pissed and shot back 'Fine! If you don't care, that's fine with me!' And tempers began rising. She kept five people waiting for an hour, just for her song. My brother was beginning to lose his temper, but he controlled it well. Just when my heart was going 'ditch the bitch, ditch the bitch', and the next thing you know is, they are holding hands again. Aaaah, figured if my brother can tolerate her, then so can I. Women, go figure.
And speaking of women, I made the mistake of underestimating my hormones. Damnit! I seem to have developed a crush on this girl ( I am not going to say who, or somebody gonna get a hurt real bad! ) When my mind is not occupied, she comes into the picture. When I close my eyes to sleep, I see her. But the thing is, when she is near me, I freak out on the inside totally. I see her with my eyes open and closed. Fucking hormones. And no, I am not going to be a lovesick puppy ( like LZW for instance, figure out yourself who that is, or Zhi Wei's not going to be too happy about this )
Anyway, that's enough about my life for now. On to more serious stuff ( like sex maybe? No! )
Anyway, check out this picture I had Zhi Wei scanned for me. Besides sending me the pictures, I must have received at least 60 words of *fuck* in every form ( e.g. Fuck, Fucker, Fucking.. )
Point is, check out the 'Super' advertisement down there. The headlines on top states 'Retirement at 85' and the headlines on below states 'Get rich withou trying' ( spelling error there ) Isn't it an irony? Retire at 85, OR get rich without trying? Damn, why work until 85 when you can get rich withou trying?
Now check this out. Also from the same paper, same day. Headlines "Man falls to death in lift shaft". Pity the poor man. Get my drift? They show the picture of the poor deceased, and his relative beside him, and pops that stupid advertisement there. What the fuck is wrong with these people man? NST's getting pretty screwed up recently, what with them getting into trouble over comic strips, and these ads in strange places. Its another strange oxyMORONic case. Man dies, and they go 'Now everyone can get rich'. That made me think up of two stuff. For the living, do they actually mean insurance? And for the dead, do they mean ( for the Chinese anyway ) the living burning paper money offerings ( which goes in 10 billion Underworld currency each note, and we burn many stacks in one go ). Strange ways these people arranges their stuff.
Check this out. This is the last one I have. Now, THIS one is a CONSPIRACY! It said in the headlines 'Malaysia implicated in US probe' and the ad now says 'Rich Strong Instant'. Damn, I sure wouldn't want Malaysia in a Rich Strong and Instant trouble. Taxpayer's money will flow freely away man! And we sure aren't going to make US richer, they are rich enough! Neither are we going to make them stronger, they are strong enough! As for instant, I saw one guy mentioned something about US flushing out pornographic stuff like.. around a thousand a DAY. Now THAT's instant!
Just feeling cynical now.... Heh, hope nobody sues me. I am just a handsome and innocent and ignorant teen who thinks he is so smart ( which he is ) and trying to act smarter than he already is. More updates on school soon.
Side note : Its 1am now, Woot!
Anyway, sometimes I can never figure out people in love. My brother came back from Singapore with his fiance and her family, so we went to the only shopping complex in Batu Pahat. Apparently she wanted to find a song for her wedding dinner, which would be on around September or October. She couldn't find it, and threw a tantrum. -_-" Refused to leave until she gets her song. So my bro tried to tell her that there is still plenty of time, but you know lar.. my bro.. My family all possess the same trait ( except maybe me? ) That is, convenience is our middle name. Not to mention cheap ( thrifty if any family member is reading this ). Its always 'Aiya, easier this way mar!' or 'Its more convenient, so we do it this way' Sometimes we do go an extra mile just to be 'convenient'. The scenario comes even worse if it comes to money. But with money, only part of the family. Some are extremely generous, and some are extremely stingy.
Anyway, my brother just asked her this question 'You getting married tomorrow or what? What's the rush?' There. The kind of question my dad would ask. The kind of question I would ask. Its in the blood. So she was pissed and shot back 'Fine! If you don't care, that's fine with me!' And tempers began rising. She kept five people waiting for an hour, just for her song. My brother was beginning to lose his temper, but he controlled it well. Just when my heart was going 'ditch the bitch, ditch the bitch', and the next thing you know is, they are holding hands again. Aaaah, figured if my brother can tolerate her, then so can I. Women, go figure.
And speaking of women, I made the mistake of underestimating my hormones. Damnit! I seem to have developed a crush on this girl ( I am not going to say who, or somebody gonna get a hurt real bad! ) When my mind is not occupied, she comes into the picture. When I close my eyes to sleep, I see her. But the thing is, when she is near me, I freak out on the inside totally. I see her with my eyes open and closed. Fucking hormones. And no, I am not going to be a lovesick puppy ( like LZW for instance, figure out yourself who that is, or Zhi Wei's not going to be too happy about this )
Anyway, that's enough about my life for now. On to more serious stuff ( like sex maybe? No! )
Point is, check out the 'Super' advertisement down there. The headlines on top states 'Retirement at 85' and the headlines on below states 'Get rich withou trying' ( spelling error there ) Isn't it an irony? Retire at 85, OR get rich without trying? Damn, why work until 85 when you can get rich withou trying?
Now check this out. Also from the same paper, same day. Headlines "Man falls to death in lift shaft". Pity the poor man. Get my drift? They show the picture of the poor deceased, and his relative beside him, and pops that stupid advertisement there. What the fuck is wrong with these people man? NST's getting pretty screwed up recently, what with them getting into trouble over comic strips, and these ads in strange places. Its another strange oxyMORONic case. Man dies, and they go 'Now everyone can get rich'. That made me think up of two stuff. For the living, do they actually mean insurance? And for the dead, do they mean ( for the Chinese anyway ) the living burning paper money offerings ( which goes in 10 billion Underworld currency each note, and we burn many stacks in one go ). Strange ways these people arranges their stuff.
Just feeling cynical now.... Heh, hope nobody sues me. I am just a handsome and innocent and ignorant teen who thinks he is so smart ( which he is ) and trying to act smarter than he already is. More updates on school soon.
Side note : Its 1am now, Woot!
Friday, February 24, 2006
This is the best day Ever
This is the best day ever. Cross country in school today, and I was supposed to be patrolling the entire route with a friend, whose skills in handling his motorbike is seriously debatable. I was riding pillion on his bike. Then, it started raining. And I went 'Holy f*ck its raining, are they going to continue?' So we went back to school ( we were outside going through the routes ) and check it out. Apparently they were going to continue anyway, and I think Mister Rain was miffed that he was not able to stop the cross country.
Then, it began to piss down like it never rained before.
Before everything began, it was raining like.. HEAVILY. And we were going down the slope when we crashed -_-" Damn it, Seniors of St John Ambulance needs aid before the cross country began.
Apart from six broken ribs, four broken fingers, two broken limbs and one head intact, everything's fine.
Seriously, I had the wind knocked out of me, and I lay dazed and stunned on the road for a couple of seconds. Two teachers were nearby, all they did was walk nonchalantly towards us and having that f*cking smirk on their face. THE ROAD WAS SLIPPERY YOU !&*!@%#&!@%#
So after regaining my breath, we rushed back to the school for aid -_-"
THEN only the cross country began, wtf lar. It was pissing down like it has never rained before, and the students were really restless. So, they ran and ran, while we rode nearby, and this time, I remembered that I did not pray to my ancestors and God, maybe that's why.
Cold and dreary and miserable, we all performed our duties. Apparently there were many cases, and each time I find one, I just call the Ambulance and dump them on it. Can't be helped, there were too many ailments the students were suffering from. Pulled a muscle, asthma, pulled a ligament, pulled an artery, and one guy actually felt so cold that he fainted and had to be sent to the hospital.
All in all, pretty satisfied with today :) After all, not everybody gets the experience of crashing from a motorbike and live to feel the thrill of crashing. It was fun. Damn, I am a sadist even towards myself.
A normal person would think that I had an unlucky day. Not me. Think things the Leslie-way. Not everybody can get to ride around a motorbike, crash and continue, with the rain pissing on us like the entire nation of China is up there with their pants down, and suffering from multiple cuts and wounds and still able to help others. It is a great experience indeed ;)
Btw, I exagerrated the casualty part. All I suffered from was a scratched elbow, a scratched and bruised knee, and some minor cuts and a heartbreak. My watch was brand new, cost RM175+-, and it was scratched until... SIGHS! Not even a month of service and I have to get it repaired already.
On a side note, this is an advice to you people who are riding motorbikes, especially pillion riders. Always wear a safety helmet, even if it ruffles your hair that you took three hours to make it look like that. It saved my head and face from serious disfigurement. Seriously, nobody who is anybody will want to see my handsome and loveable face scratched.
Still, This is the best day Ever. Next time in the future, when I get married and have kids, I can tell my kids "Son, come here. When your dad was young.. he experienced many stuff. Your dad fell from a motorbike before!! Why, I suffered from many fractures and scratches and bruises, but still, duty calls me and I still helped my fellow students who needed it! Your dad is a great man! Oh and sonny, next time when riding a motorbike, wear a helmet and elbow pads and knee pads, OR SOMEBODY GONNA GET A HURT REAAL BAD!'
Listening to My Chemical Romance - This is the best day ever ( seems like this is a fad to post what you are feeling or what you are listening to. Only in this post I will make, or when I feel it in other posts, simply because this is an Irony that I am feeling this way and listening to a song with a title like that )
Then, it began to piss down like it never rained before.
Before everything began, it was raining like.. HEAVILY. And we were going down the slope when we crashed -_-" Damn it, Seniors of St John Ambulance needs aid before the cross country began.
Apart from six broken ribs, four broken fingers, two broken limbs and one head intact, everything's fine.
Seriously, I had the wind knocked out of me, and I lay dazed and stunned on the road for a couple of seconds. Two teachers were nearby, all they did was walk nonchalantly towards us and having that f*cking smirk on their face. THE ROAD WAS SLIPPERY YOU !&*!@%#&!@%#
So after regaining my breath, we rushed back to the school for aid -_-"
THEN only the cross country began, wtf lar. It was pissing down like it has never rained before, and the students were really restless. So, they ran and ran, while we rode nearby, and this time, I remembered that I did not pray to my ancestors and God, maybe that's why.
Cold and dreary and miserable, we all performed our duties. Apparently there were many cases, and each time I find one, I just call the Ambulance and dump them on it. Can't be helped, there were too many ailments the students were suffering from. Pulled a muscle, asthma, pulled a ligament, pulled an artery, and one guy actually felt so cold that he fainted and had to be sent to the hospital.
All in all, pretty satisfied with today :) After all, not everybody gets the experience of crashing from a motorbike and live to feel the thrill of crashing. It was fun. Damn, I am a sadist even towards myself.
A normal person would think that I had an unlucky day. Not me. Think things the Leslie-way. Not everybody can get to ride around a motorbike, crash and continue, with the rain pissing on us like the entire nation of China is up there with their pants down, and suffering from multiple cuts and wounds and still able to help others. It is a great experience indeed ;)
Btw, I exagerrated the casualty part. All I suffered from was a scratched elbow, a scratched and bruised knee, and some minor cuts and a heartbreak. My watch was brand new, cost RM175+-, and it was scratched until... SIGHS! Not even a month of service and I have to get it repaired already.
On a side note, this is an advice to you people who are riding motorbikes, especially pillion riders. Always wear a safety helmet, even if it ruffles your hair that you took three hours to make it look like that. It saved my head and face from serious disfigurement. Seriously, nobody who is anybody will want to see my handsome and loveable face scratched.
Still, This is the best day Ever. Next time in the future, when I get married and have kids, I can tell my kids "Son, come here. When your dad was young.. he experienced many stuff. Your dad fell from a motorbike before!! Why, I suffered from many fractures and scratches and bruises, but still, duty calls me and I still helped my fellow students who needed it! Your dad is a great man! Oh and sonny, next time when riding a motorbike, wear a helmet and elbow pads and knee pads, OR SOMEBODY GONNA GET A HURT REAAL BAD!'
Listening to My Chemical Romance - This is the best day ever ( seems like this is a fad to post what you are feeling or what you are listening to. Only in this post I will make, or when I feel it in other posts, simply because this is an Irony that I am feeling this way and listening to a song with a title like that )
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Busy Week
Been too busy to update. With all the activities ( monday cross country practice, i did first aid. Tuesday tuition and Undang, Wednesday double tuition and undang, thursday friendly debate, friday actual cross country more first aid ) just freaks me out. Well, in case you are wondering whyI went for Undang for two days, I didn't go for the test on Tuesday. The driving school didn't register me, that aunty still want to gan pao with me. Say is my fault lol! Then, me and Zu Da combined forces and gan pao back with that aunty, shoot until she speechless. :D
And anyway, just a small part about school. We have learned that the principal's way of starting a speech is 'Bersyukurlah kerana kita dapat hidup satu hari lagi'. I know, its not wrong. But coming from a person you hate, everything is annoying and stupid.
And heh, the Prime Minister is landing in my school on Sunday. Apparently there is some UMNO thing to honour the late Dato Onn at the stadium, so the PM is landing his helicopter in HSBP. Apparently because of that, they are repairing and making the toilet a 5 star toilet and renaming it 'washroom', principal's idea no doubt. I don't think we want the PM to suddenly get the urge and find our toilet full of Djinns do we? Of course not. And on top of that, they are trimming all the tree branches around the field. 'Takut ada orang dengan pistol' With all these security, initial thoughts of having a picture taken with the PM is dashed. Imagine me walking into the field and ask the PM 'Can I shoot you?' I will be dead long before I can even show them the camera.
Anyway, regarding the PM, much work has been done to improve the school. Well, areas around the field anyway. He will only be here for a couple of minutes, and it takes days to prepare. Big balls indeed, but of course, he is the most important man in Malaysia. His arrival will certainly put HSBP on the Malaysian Map ( maybe newspapers will feature us XD ) and I seriously doubt there will be assasins hiding in our toilets. They will meet our djinns man.. Seriously, I saw djinn in my school many times already. He always wear a black coat, has white hair, looks frail and arrogant, have a lecherous and pouty lips ( but not the sexy kind like Amber Chia has, his is dried up like.. like.. a persimmon? ) And his name is the Principal. Assasins will die from an overdose of nonsense before they get to kill.
Two cases of scenario when the PM arrives. One, he doesn't bother about anything, gets in his limo and goes off. Two, he gets the nature call, and he uses our toilet ( omgwtf ).
Two cases of scenario if he gets the nature call. One, he goes 'Great! Your school is great! I will give you some kind of reward or anugerah!' That will be great, unless he wants to tour the other toilets and meet the other djinns. Two, he gets freaked out. 'Your toilets sucks, and now that I notice it, the field sucks too. Even your roads are uneven, your trees are bare, and your principal is an idiot' He gets freaked out, yells at everybody, and then goes 'I will give you two million dollars of budget. Get everything fixed. This is a disgrace.'
Disclaimer : meant as a joke, that is never going to happen right? No offense intended, except maybe to certain parties related to djinns.
On to more activities :D On Wednesday, the Timbalan Pengarah Pendidikan of Johor retired, and the function was held in HSBP. The principal's head is swelling to sixty six times its size, and apparently the TPP is a typical Italy character. ( Italy in chinese is One big ball ) He was scheduled to arrive at 10.30 in the morning, and I was supposed to command the St John contingent to give tabik hormat alongside PKBM. HE WAS TOLD TO BE HERE AT 10.30am!! And we were told to be ready by 9.45am wtf? And the person arranging all these was Super Mario. And the Super Mario promised us drinks after the respect-paying is done. We waited from 9.45 until freaking 11, standing in the hot sun and me trying to prevent my boys from fainting. Oi, girls can take it, guys cannot? Damn pissed. So, he finally arrived at 11am. I rushed to my position, and at the last minute my scarf went loose and dropped off. WTF!!!?????
To top it off, Super Mario's promise of a drink was actually from the canteen. And the drink is given in this way. A pail of cups were given to SJAM and PKBM, which of course does not even reach 40. A BIG BARREL of air sirap is shoved to us, and we were to carry it to anywhere but canteen. -__-" And my boys were so disgusted that they had to share cups, and drink everybody's saliva that many cringed and forgot their thirst. Well, not men yet.
And the friendly debate match, I was the speaker of the house again. Our school's junior team against a friendly school's main team. And this time, I really freaked myself out. I made a couple of stupid, and I mean stupid mistakes. It was 1.50pm in the English lab. So I started with 'A very pleasant MORNING' and then proceeded to mention the WRONG SCHOOL name. Everybody laughed, and I did try to make it sound like it was a slip or an intentional joke. Damn. And then, feeling naughty, after two speakers had spoken from each side, I tried to crack a joke. "Having heard from two speakers from both sides, and much arguments about Sesame Streets, let us now hear from the third speaker of the Government." Nobody laughed, and some stared at me. Wahlao eh.... damn embarassing lar! A little side note, I found Umair extremely nervous, and didn't get to see Chern Jin perform, but heard he was an even bigger bundle of nerves than Umair was. Umair just stuttered and lagged, that's bad. But, not bad for a first time. Umair, you should just look at my first time, I couldn't even read. Joshua, well, he was too serious. I could see Zhi Wei pulling his mouth from both sides with both his forefingers. He looks seriously stupid, oh wait, he IS a little stupid in that aspect.
I guess that's it for activities. On to the next episode of 'Assholes and Mofos'.
Apparently, Asshole 2 demands for a promotion to Mofo. He has been saying things that only people worse than Mofos will say. He feels insulted that 'Girl' is going out with my friend now, and just think he is so cool talking about sex, so he just keeps on ranting about mindless sex with my friend in school. Each time, he tries to put that accusing tone that my friend is going to have sex with 'Girl', aaah well just being worse than a Mofo lar. But whenever there is one guy around, he gets shot once. Two guys, he gets shot four times. Three guys, nine times and four guys sixteen times. If those were gunwounds, he would have died many times already. Why do people think its so cool to talk about abusive sex? They are not ME for god's sake! Asshole 2 lacks the humorous and charismatic way to talk about sex like I do, and yet he thinks he is so cool and slick when he talks about it in such a nonchalant way. Naah, we just roll our eyes and chant 'Asshole, Mofo' in our minds, and then we shoot him.
Asshole 2, oh wait, Mofo Master : Has 'Girl' ever been to your house? She goes to my house THAT often before.
Friend : 'Girl' will be invited to my house, so you don't kay poh so much.
Mofo Master : Great! Then you can do THAT with her.
Everyone : rolls eyes*
Friend : Girlfriends are for us to dote and pamper, not only for sex you arsehole.
Everybody : *starts chipping in insults like in the casino where they bet with chips, you can imagine the chips piling up. Take the chips as insults, and Mofo Master is the dealer who has won all the chips.
He just like to win, eh? Let him have all the chips then.
Speaking of talking style, no one can match yours truly XD. I am crude without the 'c', cute without the 'e', harsh without the 'h', and make you go char without the 'c'.
Until then, Goodnight ;) What a lenghty post ( heaves and weezes )
And anyway, just a small part about school. We have learned that the principal's way of starting a speech is 'Bersyukurlah kerana kita dapat hidup satu hari lagi'. I know, its not wrong. But coming from a person you hate, everything is annoying and stupid.
And heh, the Prime Minister is landing in my school on Sunday. Apparently there is some UMNO thing to honour the late Dato Onn at the stadium, so the PM is landing his helicopter in HSBP. Apparently because of that, they are repairing and making the toilet a 5 star toilet and renaming it 'washroom', principal's idea no doubt. I don't think we want the PM to suddenly get the urge and find our toilet full of Djinns do we? Of course not. And on top of that, they are trimming all the tree branches around the field. 'Takut ada orang dengan pistol' With all these security, initial thoughts of having a picture taken with the PM is dashed. Imagine me walking into the field and ask the PM 'Can I shoot you?' I will be dead long before I can even show them the camera.
Anyway, regarding the PM, much work has been done to improve the school. Well, areas around the field anyway. He will only be here for a couple of minutes, and it takes days to prepare. Big balls indeed, but of course, he is the most important man in Malaysia. His arrival will certainly put HSBP on the Malaysian Map ( maybe newspapers will feature us XD ) and I seriously doubt there will be assasins hiding in our toilets. They will meet our djinns man.. Seriously, I saw djinn in my school many times already. He always wear a black coat, has white hair, looks frail and arrogant, have a lecherous and pouty lips ( but not the sexy kind like Amber Chia has, his is dried up like.. like.. a persimmon? ) And his name is the Principal. Assasins will die from an overdose of nonsense before they get to kill.
Two cases of scenario when the PM arrives. One, he doesn't bother about anything, gets in his limo and goes off. Two, he gets the nature call, and he uses our toilet ( omgwtf ).
Two cases of scenario if he gets the nature call. One, he goes 'Great! Your school is great! I will give you some kind of reward or anugerah!' That will be great, unless he wants to tour the other toilets and meet the other djinns. Two, he gets freaked out. 'Your toilets sucks, and now that I notice it, the field sucks too. Even your roads are uneven, your trees are bare, and your principal is an idiot' He gets freaked out, yells at everybody, and then goes 'I will give you two million dollars of budget. Get everything fixed. This is a disgrace.'
Disclaimer : meant as a joke, that is never going to happen right? No offense intended, except maybe to certain parties related to djinns.
On to more activities :D On Wednesday, the Timbalan Pengarah Pendidikan of Johor retired, and the function was held in HSBP. The principal's head is swelling to sixty six times its size, and apparently the TPP is a typical Italy character. ( Italy in chinese is One big ball ) He was scheduled to arrive at 10.30 in the morning, and I was supposed to command the St John contingent to give tabik hormat alongside PKBM. HE WAS TOLD TO BE HERE AT 10.30am!! And we were told to be ready by 9.45am wtf? And the person arranging all these was Super Mario. And the Super Mario promised us drinks after the respect-paying is done. We waited from 9.45 until freaking 11, standing in the hot sun and me trying to prevent my boys from fainting. Oi, girls can take it, guys cannot? Damn pissed. So, he finally arrived at 11am. I rushed to my position, and at the last minute my scarf went loose and dropped off. WTF!!!?????
To top it off, Super Mario's promise of a drink was actually from the canteen. And the drink is given in this way. A pail of cups were given to SJAM and PKBM, which of course does not even reach 40. A BIG BARREL of air sirap is shoved to us, and we were to carry it to anywhere but canteen. -__-" And my boys were so disgusted that they had to share cups, and drink everybody's saliva that many cringed and forgot their thirst. Well, not men yet.
And the friendly debate match, I was the speaker of the house again. Our school's junior team against a friendly school's main team. And this time, I really freaked myself out. I made a couple of stupid, and I mean stupid mistakes. It was 1.50pm in the English lab. So I started with 'A very pleasant MORNING' and then proceeded to mention the WRONG SCHOOL name. Everybody laughed, and I did try to make it sound like it was a slip or an intentional joke. Damn. And then, feeling naughty, after two speakers had spoken from each side, I tried to crack a joke. "Having heard from two speakers from both sides, and much arguments about Sesame Streets, let us now hear from the third speaker of the Government." Nobody laughed, and some stared at me. Wahlao eh.... damn embarassing lar! A little side note, I found Umair extremely nervous, and didn't get to see Chern Jin perform, but heard he was an even bigger bundle of nerves than Umair was. Umair just stuttered and lagged, that's bad. But, not bad for a first time. Umair, you should just look at my first time, I couldn't even read. Joshua, well, he was too serious. I could see Zhi Wei pulling his mouth from both sides with both his forefingers. He looks seriously stupid, oh wait, he IS a little stupid in that aspect.
I guess that's it for activities. On to the next episode of 'Assholes and Mofos'.
Apparently, Asshole 2 demands for a promotion to Mofo. He has been saying things that only people worse than Mofos will say. He feels insulted that 'Girl' is going out with my friend now, and just think he is so cool talking about sex, so he just keeps on ranting about mindless sex with my friend in school. Each time, he tries to put that accusing tone that my friend is going to have sex with 'Girl', aaah well just being worse than a Mofo lar. But whenever there is one guy around, he gets shot once. Two guys, he gets shot four times. Three guys, nine times and four guys sixteen times. If those were gunwounds, he would have died many times already. Why do people think its so cool to talk about abusive sex? They are not ME for god's sake! Asshole 2 lacks the humorous and charismatic way to talk about sex like I do, and yet he thinks he is so cool and slick when he talks about it in such a nonchalant way. Naah, we just roll our eyes and chant 'Asshole, Mofo' in our minds, and then we shoot him.
Asshole 2, oh wait, Mofo Master : Has 'Girl' ever been to your house? She goes to my house THAT often before.
Friend : 'Girl' will be invited to my house, so you don't kay poh so much.
Mofo Master : Great! Then you can do THAT with her.
Everyone : rolls eyes*
Friend : Girlfriends are for us to dote and pamper, not only for sex you arsehole.
Everybody : *starts chipping in insults like in the casino where they bet with chips, you can imagine the chips piling up. Take the chips as insults, and Mofo Master is the dealer who has won all the chips.
He just like to win, eh? Let him have all the chips then.
Speaking of talking style, no one can match yours truly XD. I am crude without the 'c', cute without the 'e', harsh without the 'h', and make you go char without the 'c'.
Until then, Goodnight ;) What a lenghty post ( heaves and weezes )
Sunday, February 19, 2006
High School Batu Pahat St John
Well well, check out the picture. St John Ambulance board members of High School Batu Pahat. :) We rock! Oh yeah, for those who have not seen the great me, I am the geek on the far right side. The bent guy is my godbro, Su Kae. From LEFT is Muruga, Zu Da ( another godbro, we all share the surname NG ) Kuo Zhau, Sim, Neoh, Bryan and Me.
Sim is the president, Kuo Zhau the deputy, me the vice. Muruga is the Ketua Disiplin, and his vice is Su Kae. Neoh is the treasurer, and Bryan is the secretary. Zu Da is the auditor, who has the easiest work of all, doing nothing.
Well, enough of criticizing people. Now is the time to brag and boast. High School Batu Pahat St John Ambulance kicks ass! I dare say we are the best uniform body ( with heavy competition with PBSM, PKBM and Scouts ) But of course, we are always the better ones.
High School St John owns a reputation for marching and first aid. And this year, the current board as seen above, we are also very terror when it comes to planning camps, marching competitions, first aid competitions, first aid courses for members, and every kind of activities. Which is why, PKBM has shown interest to recruit us to join their medical branch. :)
However, events have shifted things and shattered relationships, which is of course, sad to say, bad. Currently, we have problems with the Officers of Batu Pahat St John. Of course, nobody wanted the conflict to happen, but we do feel that we have been treated unfairly. Now, the board has split into to sides, with one side supporting the officers, and another side against.
This is a uniform body run by teenagers. Why go political on us? Sometimes I can never understand adults, we are just teens, and the officers are adults. Why do they have to practise favourism and sow discord among members, causing conflicts and the term 'peace' is not recognised?
Well, hoped to solve the problem soon. And for those who want to know what happened, and why, too bad. I don't think I am in the position to tell of the body's problems, but if you really want, email me and I'll consider it, depending on who you are. But, most probably no, I cannot promise.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
School life again
Well, enough about adults for the moments. This post, I am going to feature about assholes among students.
Ever seen the kind of students who are so uncharismatic that you hate them and feel like slapping their bloody face, and every thing they say, even if its saying 'the moon is beautiful', it offends you because well, they are the ones who said it? If you haven't, then feel free to come to HSBP. HSBP is the nesting place for such people, aptly labeled as 'Assholes' or MFs.
Well, just to prove how interesting it is, let me just show a couple of dialogues, though not exactly precise, not word by word, but the general idea is there. No Names.
Asshole number 1. A Form 4 guy who just have the knack to make everyone pissed. Here's a few examples.
I am the vice president of St. John ambulance of my school. This happened many times already, but what the heck, I'll take this one time as example. I was discussing with a form 4 member, who happens to be a potential president to replace us when we retire, and along comes this asshole 1. We were discussing about duty for members, and I was giving instructions, so Asshole 1 was sitting close by and listening to our discussion. Then, just to attract attention, he just suddenly yells
Asshole 1 : 'St. John sucks!'
Me and Form 4 Member : *gives the omgwtf? look*
And not only once, everytime he sees me he just suddenly yells St.John sucks! Wtf is this guy's problem?
Asshole 2. A form 5 guy who happens to share a class with me. This guy likes to be know-it-all, and have the tendency to comment about everything, even with stuff he doesn't know anything about. Statistics have shown that 95.9% of the people hate him, 4% avoid him, and 0.1% tolerates him. He likes to act like he knows everything, and when he stumbles across people discussing stuff, he will listen to a few words to get to know to the topic, then he will butt in himself and give comments, often offensive and blunt and the words of a fool. Heck, even his physical stature is offensive, he is a short guy with an asshole face.
Zhi Wei once quoted some famous guy I can't remember who, that Asshole 2 is the embodiment of the wise words.
"A wise man speaks when there is need to speak. A fool speaks because he has to speak."
So, well, here is one example of him with his dumb crass joke, oh wait, make it two. Apparently he likes this girl, who happens to be taller than him. Let's name the girl 'Girl'.
Asshole 2 : Actually hor, me and 'Girl' is about the same height, I think I am taller also.
Everybody : *Rolls eyes*
Here's another example..
Teacher : Asshole 2, what did you do last night? Why cannot answer my question and look so tired?
Everybody : OOOHHHhh!!! Naughty last night!
Asshole 2 : No lar, I only raped 'Girl'
Enough said.
Asshole 3 : A form 4 guy who happens to have a very provoking physical appearance. Fat and giggly, and is constructed of 60% fat, 30% rubbish, and 10% clothes. He likes to talk crap, and just practically annoys everybody the wrong way. Yeah I know, but I annoy people the right way, I mean, they know when I am trying to annoy them just for fun. But this guy annoys even when he says nothing.
Here's a couple of example.
Me : Eh, check this out man! *shows a namelist for first aid duty*
Form 4 Potential President : Hmm?
Asshole 3 : *Squeals!* *Giggles* *Fucking sounds* *Loads of crap*
Me : Oi, shut up lar! Damn noisy..
Asshole 3 : Shut up and smirks and grin and shows a stupid face.
After a few moments... Asshole 3 complains to President that I practise favourism and is bent on scolding him and giving him all the shit while others get the cake.
Well, I suppose this post is long enough. To tell the truth, there are many assholes in St John as well. In Batu Pahat St John I mean. Maybe feature them in my next post XD
Oh yeah, I suppose High School guys should be able to figure out who are Asshole 1, Asshole 2, and Asshole 3. There are a couple more, but well, they are not as hateable as these few. Damn, I need at least 2 hours to feature one by one. Maybe I even make a poem if I feel like it XD
What about you? Don't you meet people whose existence offends people?
Ever seen the kind of students who are so uncharismatic that you hate them and feel like slapping their bloody face, and every thing they say, even if its saying 'the moon is beautiful', it offends you because well, they are the ones who said it? If you haven't, then feel free to come to HSBP. HSBP is the nesting place for such people, aptly labeled as 'Assholes' or MFs.
Well, just to prove how interesting it is, let me just show a couple of dialogues, though not exactly precise, not word by word, but the general idea is there. No Names.
Asshole number 1. A Form 4 guy who just have the knack to make everyone pissed. Here's a few examples.
I am the vice president of St. John ambulance of my school. This happened many times already, but what the heck, I'll take this one time as example. I was discussing with a form 4 member, who happens to be a potential president to replace us when we retire, and along comes this asshole 1. We were discussing about duty for members, and I was giving instructions, so Asshole 1 was sitting close by and listening to our discussion. Then, just to attract attention, he just suddenly yells
Asshole 1 : 'St. John sucks!'
Me and Form 4 Member : *gives the omgwtf? look*
And not only once, everytime he sees me he just suddenly yells St.John sucks! Wtf is this guy's problem?
Asshole 2. A form 5 guy who happens to share a class with me. This guy likes to be know-it-all, and have the tendency to comment about everything, even with stuff he doesn't know anything about. Statistics have shown that 95.9% of the people hate him, 4% avoid him, and 0.1% tolerates him. He likes to act like he knows everything, and when he stumbles across people discussing stuff, he will listen to a few words to get to know to the topic, then he will butt in himself and give comments, often offensive and blunt and the words of a fool. Heck, even his physical stature is offensive, he is a short guy with an asshole face.
Zhi Wei once quoted some famous guy I can't remember who, that Asshole 2 is the embodiment of the wise words.
"A wise man speaks when there is need to speak. A fool speaks because he has to speak."
So, well, here is one example of him with his dumb crass joke, oh wait, make it two. Apparently he likes this girl, who happens to be taller than him. Let's name the girl 'Girl'.
Asshole 2 : Actually hor, me and 'Girl' is about the same height, I think I am taller also.
Everybody : *Rolls eyes*
Here's another example..
Teacher : Asshole 2, what did you do last night? Why cannot answer my question and look so tired?
Everybody : OOOHHHhh!!! Naughty last night!
Asshole 2 : No lar, I only raped 'Girl'
Enough said.
Asshole 3 : A form 4 guy who happens to have a very provoking physical appearance. Fat and giggly, and is constructed of 60% fat, 30% rubbish, and 10% clothes. He likes to talk crap, and just practically annoys everybody the wrong way. Yeah I know, but I annoy people the right way, I mean, they know when I am trying to annoy them just for fun. But this guy annoys even when he says nothing.
Here's a couple of example.
Me : Eh, check this out man! *shows a namelist for first aid duty*
Form 4 Potential President : Hmm?
Asshole 3 : *Squeals!* *Giggles* *Fucking sounds* *Loads of crap*
Me : Oi, shut up lar! Damn noisy..
Asshole 3 : Shut up and smirks and grin and shows a stupid face.
After a few moments... Asshole 3 complains to President that I practise favourism and is bent on scolding him and giving him all the shit while others get the cake.
Well, I suppose this post is long enough. To tell the truth, there are many assholes in St John as well. In Batu Pahat St John I mean. Maybe feature them in my next post XD
Oh yeah, I suppose High School guys should be able to figure out who are Asshole 1, Asshole 2, and Asshole 3. There are a couple more, but well, they are not as hateable as these few. Damn, I need at least 2 hours to feature one by one. Maybe I even make a poem if I feel like it XD
What about you? Don't you meet people whose existence offends people?
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Don't be such hot shit!
Well, back to school again. Sure enough, each day sure is interesting!
This morning started horribly for me. I was chosen as the emcee for the morning assembly, and I realized I didn't know the full name of the new HEM! So, frantically I sought for his name, which to my delight, everybody doesn't know either. Until I found the head prefect anyway..
So, I started assembly as usual. Apparently all the Senior Assistants did not want to give speeches except the HEM. He was the first senior teacher at the assembly, and he wanted to talk. The Coco did not want to, and the Senior Assistant 1 did not want either. So came the principal. When asked, somehow I think he knows the HEM is going to speak! So he said yes and nodded.
And when I was about to announce his name, he chickened out. Damn guy didn't have anything to talk about after all, just didn't want to lose to the new HEM. So I announced the HEM instead, so he went up.
Then, he started ranting about belts. How students wear fashion belts that are not allowed in school. I was right behind him then. Then, the man just suddenly grabbed me and said
'Awak, pergi masuk dalam kalangan pelajar dan cari dua orang yang tak pakai belt yang dibenarkan' So I nodded and was about to go when he grabbed me again 'Cari satu budak form 6' WTF? Bad enough that I have to check the students in that way, how the fuck am I supposed to find 2 idiots with wrong belts?
So searching I went... searching... some guys gave me the omgwtf look and thought i was a pervert for pulling at other people's shirts to look at their ( belt actually, but who knows what the hell are they thinking? Maybe they thought I was looking for a big cock )
So form 6, I didn't want to search them. Some are nice guys, and the nice guys are the ones who break the rules :D
So instead I went to form 5, the behind classes where the majority.. uh.. make that 95% are Malays. Nothing rascist here but the Form 5 Malays ( the ones in the behind classes anyway ) are that kind of jerks you know.. most of them anyway, but if you are on good terms with them, no problem for you. But if you are an asshole, too bad for you.
And I was right. I found two guys together whose belt sucked big time. So I tried to pull them out, but they refused. They feared the punishment. I pleaded, sweared, vowed, fucked oh wait.. dragged, but they refused. Other prefects came to help and told them nicely, but they refused to budge. The bloody HEM had to finish his speech that fast, which was surprising as I thought he was going to mention that he only lives 30 second of travel away from school. In the end I had to jot their names, go up grab the mike and announce their names and ask them to get their sorry asses out.
Well, Assembly only for that part. After school, there was a meeting for all presidents and secretaries of all clubs, uniform bodies and sports with the Guru Penyelaras Koko. No names, but I think you know him very well!
Well, he just wanted two things, one is the scheduled activity for this year which we did last year and he forced himself on us like he wanted to rape everyone, and another is to complete our activity list for last year, with every activity mentioned and the members, details and that sort of shit that can take hours to do. All those can be done in 5 minutes, tell us what you want, and those not involved, we scram. He took 1 hour.
And Why?
Well, he was ranting. He said being leaders, we should learn as much as we can. Learn how to lead, learn how to work that kind of stuff. True, yes I agree.
Well, you know what he said? He said when he was our age, he personally arranged for a trip to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for his society. Yeah so what? I can do it to. Thing is, he said everything was free omgwtf????? From the airplane tickets to the lodgings and food, everything free. What kind of fucking fools do you take us for? And he said he only brought like RM500 also enough. Damn, come back to this world lar..
And then? He said he only did not manage to get to Europe free of charge. What the fuck.
He also mentioned that he has experienced many stuff, like riding on an ostrich, eaten what exotic meat and bla bla bla. And he mocked at us. 'Ini pengerusi semua pergi zoo, pergi shopping..' Then, he thought for a moment.
"Tapi pergi zoo pun baik lar, lebih baik daripada....."
"Datang sini tengok muka awak" I continued immediately, and Zhi Wei burst into fits of laughter.
Well, he also complained that we did not do our paperworks properly. So I just nonchalantly said 'Macam itu tak payah buat lar! Wahlao eh!' And Zhi Wei laughed again. He must think ELS guys are assholes. Well, we ARE!
Seems like the guys in my school like to make a mess of everything that has been done nicely and then force everybody to clean it up again just to show that they are doing something. Come on lar, make life easier for us. And they like to boast. Some logical ( some, oh wait, make it very rare some ) and the others are all crap.
Get a school like mine, with Anugerah Sekolah Cemerlang and you really really wonder wtf are Malaysians doing in school.
Coming posts I might feature my annoying nieces ( whom I dote lar ) and my eccentric grandma. Wait, I said MIGHT! Remember that!
This morning started horribly for me. I was chosen as the emcee for the morning assembly, and I realized I didn't know the full name of the new HEM! So, frantically I sought for his name, which to my delight, everybody doesn't know either. Until I found the head prefect anyway..
So, I started assembly as usual. Apparently all the Senior Assistants did not want to give speeches except the HEM. He was the first senior teacher at the assembly, and he wanted to talk. The Coco did not want to, and the Senior Assistant 1 did not want either. So came the principal. When asked, somehow I think he knows the HEM is going to speak! So he said yes and nodded.
And when I was about to announce his name, he chickened out. Damn guy didn't have anything to talk about after all, just didn't want to lose to the new HEM. So I announced the HEM instead, so he went up.
Then, he started ranting about belts. How students wear fashion belts that are not allowed in school. I was right behind him then. Then, the man just suddenly grabbed me and said
'Awak, pergi masuk dalam kalangan pelajar dan cari dua orang yang tak pakai belt yang dibenarkan' So I nodded and was about to go when he grabbed me again 'Cari satu budak form 6' WTF? Bad enough that I have to check the students in that way, how the fuck am I supposed to find 2 idiots with wrong belts?
So searching I went... searching... some guys gave me the omgwtf look and thought i was a pervert for pulling at other people's shirts to look at their ( belt actually, but who knows what the hell are they thinking? Maybe they thought I was looking for a big cock )
So form 6, I didn't want to search them. Some are nice guys, and the nice guys are the ones who break the rules :D
So instead I went to form 5, the behind classes where the majority.. uh.. make that 95% are Malays. Nothing rascist here but the Form 5 Malays ( the ones in the behind classes anyway ) are that kind of jerks you know.. most of them anyway, but if you are on good terms with them, no problem for you. But if you are an asshole, too bad for you.
And I was right. I found two guys together whose belt sucked big time. So I tried to pull them out, but they refused. They feared the punishment. I pleaded, sweared, vowed, fucked oh wait.. dragged, but they refused. Other prefects came to help and told them nicely, but they refused to budge. The bloody HEM had to finish his speech that fast, which was surprising as I thought he was going to mention that he only lives 30 second of travel away from school. In the end I had to jot their names, go up grab the mike and announce their names and ask them to get their sorry asses out.
Well, Assembly only for that part. After school, there was a meeting for all presidents and secretaries of all clubs, uniform bodies and sports with the Guru Penyelaras Koko. No names, but I think you know him very well!
Well, he just wanted two things, one is the scheduled activity for this year which we did last year and he forced himself on us like he wanted to rape everyone, and another is to complete our activity list for last year, with every activity mentioned and the members, details and that sort of shit that can take hours to do. All those can be done in 5 minutes, tell us what you want, and those not involved, we scram. He took 1 hour.
And Why?
Well, he was ranting. He said being leaders, we should learn as much as we can. Learn how to lead, learn how to work that kind of stuff. True, yes I agree.
Well, you know what he said? He said when he was our age, he personally arranged for a trip to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for his society. Yeah so what? I can do it to. Thing is, he said everything was free omgwtf????? From the airplane tickets to the lodgings and food, everything free. What kind of fucking fools do you take us for? And he said he only brought like RM500 also enough. Damn, come back to this world lar..
And then? He said he only did not manage to get to Europe free of charge. What the fuck.
He also mentioned that he has experienced many stuff, like riding on an ostrich, eaten what exotic meat and bla bla bla. And he mocked at us. 'Ini pengerusi semua pergi zoo, pergi shopping..' Then, he thought for a moment.
"Tapi pergi zoo pun baik lar, lebih baik daripada....."
"Datang sini tengok muka awak" I continued immediately, and Zhi Wei burst into fits of laughter.
Well, he also complained that we did not do our paperworks properly. So I just nonchalantly said 'Macam itu tak payah buat lar! Wahlao eh!' And Zhi Wei laughed again. He must think ELS guys are assholes. Well, we ARE!
Seems like the guys in my school like to make a mess of everything that has been done nicely and then force everybody to clean it up again just to show that they are doing something. Come on lar, make life easier for us. And they like to boast. Some logical ( some, oh wait, make it very rare some ) and the others are all crap.
Get a school like mine, with Anugerah Sekolah Cemerlang and you really really wonder wtf are Malaysians doing in school.
Coming posts I might feature my annoying nieces ( whom I dote lar ) and my eccentric grandma. Wait, I said MIGHT! Remember that!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Assembly Fun
Well well well, maybe I should just dedicate this blog to school life, considering how interesting this year is going to get, what with the teachers transferring, promotion, and all the new guys pouring into my school? I sure get to meet some interesting characters. Okay Okay, You are guessing the Principal again. Half correct. I have a new Teacher of Students Affair! My current ( or maybe ex ) GPK HEM was a great guy, although I did think he was a little bias towards PKBM rather than St John when he was GPK Koko and again when he was HEM. But he is a great guy!
Anyway, the guy to replace the current ( make that ex ) HEM is another interesting guy. With all the interesting guys in school, where else do I need to find stuff for my blog?
Today, February The 13th ( omgwtf unlucky day ) Monday, is officially the last day in school for Mr. Kuswandi, my ex HEM teacher. So, assembly started at 7.30, and a couple of minutes later Mr Kuswandi was invited to give a speech. Sadly, I was too occupied with prefect duties that I id not listen to what he said, but I did hear him say he will give priority to HSBP when he is the head of all HEMs in the Pejabat Pendidikan. Hahaaaaaa, that rocked the new principal's balls. Anything happens now the principal has to report to him now! Few weeks ago he was still ordering and barking orders, now he is scratching his balls and worrying for his ass.
Ok. On to the fiasco. Mr Kuswandi took 20 minutes for his final speech. Considerably long for a speech in assembly, but its the last, so understandable. Then, the emcee invited the new HEM. Not wanting to be out-spoken ( in terms of length ), the new HEM hoped to establish his power and plant fear in students, he talked for 30 minutes. 10 minutes longer than his predessessor, which he smirked and grinned like an asshole after his speech. Well, the students didn't exactly like his face. So, when he first gave signs of finishing, everybody clapped and howled like in the concert so that he has no chance to continue his rant. But, well, as I said, he is just an asshole, and assholes don't do what other people wants. So he continued his speech. 30 minutes long for a FIRST speech, quite ( but not that much ) understandable.
20 minutes + 30 minutes = 50 minutes. Add together the formalities you get another 10 minutes. The time was around 8.25 already. Then, the principal is summoned to give his speech.
Not wanting to be out-talked by both teachers, he talked for 35 minutes. Hey damn old geezers timed their speech properly!
Again, I did not listen to him. In fact, I did not listen to any teachers who spoke at all. But coming from this principal, I would suppose half of them are rubbish and another half the very obvious.
By the time he finished his speech, it was 9.10. Then, we have to line up outside the hall all the way to the office to shake hands for the last time with Mr. Kuswandi. By the time everything was done, 9.45. Recess for the prefects!
Well, funny thing for the students. They all went back to class. Sat down for 3 minutes, and its recess. For the ones who climbed four storeys just to get back to class, too bad.
More fun with assemblies coming soon. There is no need for prediction. I know it. We have two old man who can really talk now, and the competitive spirit is there, need i say more?
Anyway, the guy to replace the current ( make that ex ) HEM is another interesting guy. With all the interesting guys in school, where else do I need to find stuff for my blog?
Today, February The 13th ( omgwtf unlucky day ) Monday, is officially the last day in school for Mr. Kuswandi, my ex HEM teacher. So, assembly started at 7.30, and a couple of minutes later Mr Kuswandi was invited to give a speech. Sadly, I was too occupied with prefect duties that I id not listen to what he said, but I did hear him say he will give priority to HSBP when he is the head of all HEMs in the Pejabat Pendidikan. Hahaaaaaa, that rocked the new principal's balls. Anything happens now the principal has to report to him now! Few weeks ago he was still ordering and barking orders, now he is scratching his balls and worrying for his ass.
Ok. On to the fiasco. Mr Kuswandi took 20 minutes for his final speech. Considerably long for a speech in assembly, but its the last, so understandable. Then, the emcee invited the new HEM. Not wanting to be out-spoken ( in terms of length ), the new HEM hoped to establish his power and plant fear in students, he talked for 30 minutes. 10 minutes longer than his predessessor, which he smirked and grinned like an asshole after his speech. Well, the students didn't exactly like his face. So, when he first gave signs of finishing, everybody clapped and howled like in the concert so that he has no chance to continue his rant. But, well, as I said, he is just an asshole, and assholes don't do what other people wants. So he continued his speech. 30 minutes long for a FIRST speech, quite ( but not that much ) understandable.
20 minutes + 30 minutes = 50 minutes. Add together the formalities you get another 10 minutes. The time was around 8.25 already. Then, the principal is summoned to give his speech.
Not wanting to be out-talked by both teachers, he talked for 35 minutes. Hey damn old geezers timed their speech properly!
Again, I did not listen to him. In fact, I did not listen to any teachers who spoke at all. But coming from this principal, I would suppose half of them are rubbish and another half the very obvious.
By the time he finished his speech, it was 9.10. Then, we have to line up outside the hall all the way to the office to shake hands for the last time with Mr. Kuswandi. By the time everything was done, 9.45. Recess for the prefects!
Well, funny thing for the students. They all went back to class. Sat down for 3 minutes, and its recess. For the ones who climbed four storeys just to get back to class, too bad.
More fun with assemblies coming soon. There is no need for prediction. I know it. We have two old man who can really talk now, and the competitive spirit is there, need i say more?
Thursday, February 09, 2006
The Toilet Committee
The Principal started his cool speech in a Monday Morning assembly this way: "Bersyukurlah dan berdoalah agar hidup kita dapat dipanjangkan satu hari lagi kerana perhimpunan ini. Kita sudah sembilan hari lamanya kita.." Me and Zhi Wei together in that instant said : 'Hidup'. Then he began, and then everything began.
Cool! Now we have our very own toilet committee, in students they serve, in the principal they trust, and in shit they find work!
Apparently, my new Principal describes the school toilet as 'dahsyat', and true enough, they make the shit coming out from one's ass hide back into the rectum. Toilets cannot flush, pipe no water, graffiti on the walls, poems on the door.. the kind of toilet you'd expect from a premier school. And my school, HSBP is proud to be shortlisted by PPD Johor to run for Sekolah Harapan Negara, that freak anugerah.
Principal then began describing toilets in London, where his daughter went. I think he really likes to boast about his daughter lar, everything also can link to his daughter. He said his daughter 'sembahyang', or prayed for Muslims, in the toilet in London. He said it was so clean that they could sembahyang inside. And the schools in Seri Medan, students rest in the toilets ( they are called restrooms duh ). In High School, students shit in toilets and leave the tropical island there, cannot flush what.. no water to wash it down the toilet also. And the stench, wow, a skunk would avoid that place.
Then, he ( I don't know lar, but I think its him trying to look great ) sweared and vowed while giving his speech, that he will personally ask the Students Affair Senior Assistant teacher to form a Toilet Committee!! WoW! I was on duty in the hall that time, and Damn! I missed the facial expression of the poor fool who has just been given extra work.
Their function? Well, he said he would exercise his authority and give them the power to catch and punish students who shit and don't flush the toilet, students who vandalise in any kinds of sadistic ways imaginable. Well, everything short of murder, extortion and rape. At that time, well, everyone were already like, 'Wtf toilet committee? Aiya, die also I don't want join'
And I heard rumours that if the toilet is still not clean and repaired, the committee gets the punishment. Heh, as IF they can catch the people who shit and those who vandalise the toilet. And LOL just imagine the punishment! Of course they have to clean the toilets and repair it! Pity the people who are going to join that freaking committee...
And then? He doesn't want the toilet to be called a toilet. Because according to him, toilets are places where evil jinns reside. He doesn't want toilets to be the place where people just dump all their shit. So, where the hell will the students dump their shit? And if its not called a toilet, will the jinns just emigrate elsewhere to any place called toilet? Damn, I am confused by his profound knowledge man.
Then, omgwtf. I just got striked by blue lightning! Goddamnit! Prefects sure kena in that f*cking committee! Oh no! Then, I seriously prayed to every God imaginable, Jesus, Allah, Buddha whatever whatever, never mind the religion, as long as I don't get involved!! ( nothing racists there )
Well, during Sukantara, the HEM talked to the head prefect. The head prefect then came and find me and said.. " Leslie, saya lantik awak jadi Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tandas " Then, I almost fainted. Wtf, I said NO immediately. Apparently he was just jesting, but I cannot take that kind of joke man...
Now the ketua kumpulan for each prefect group is chosen as the four AJK tertinggi AJK tandas. Well normally I would say bless them, but since three out of four are assholes, forget it.
Toilet committee, when the toilet condition in HSBP rivals that to Seri Medan school where students can rest and eat in the toilet... then the newsletter will read :
Kadar Ponteng Meningkat,
Pelajar Makan Sambil Berak,
AJK Tandas sangat kuat,
Tandas, Najis semua dihapus kelak!
Cool! Now we have our very own toilet committee, in students they serve, in the principal they trust, and in shit they find work!
Apparently, my new Principal describes the school toilet as 'dahsyat', and true enough, they make the shit coming out from one's ass hide back into the rectum. Toilets cannot flush, pipe no water, graffiti on the walls, poems on the door.. the kind of toilet you'd expect from a premier school. And my school, HSBP is proud to be shortlisted by PPD Johor to run for Sekolah Harapan Negara, that freak anugerah.
Principal then began describing toilets in London, where his daughter went. I think he really likes to boast about his daughter lar, everything also can link to his daughter. He said his daughter 'sembahyang', or prayed for Muslims, in the toilet in London. He said it was so clean that they could sembahyang inside. And the schools in Seri Medan, students rest in the toilets ( they are called restrooms duh ). In High School, students shit in toilets and leave the tropical island there, cannot flush what.. no water to wash it down the toilet also. And the stench, wow, a skunk would avoid that place.
Then, he ( I don't know lar, but I think its him trying to look great ) sweared and vowed while giving his speech, that he will personally ask the Students Affair Senior Assistant teacher to form a Toilet Committee!! WoW! I was on duty in the hall that time, and Damn! I missed the facial expression of the poor fool who has just been given extra work.
Their function? Well, he said he would exercise his authority and give them the power to catch and punish students who shit and don't flush the toilet, students who vandalise in any kinds of sadistic ways imaginable. Well, everything short of murder, extortion and rape. At that time, well, everyone were already like, 'Wtf toilet committee? Aiya, die also I don't want join'
And I heard rumours that if the toilet is still not clean and repaired, the committee gets the punishment. Heh, as IF they can catch the people who shit and those who vandalise the toilet. And LOL just imagine the punishment! Of course they have to clean the toilets and repair it! Pity the people who are going to join that freaking committee...
And then? He doesn't want the toilet to be called a toilet. Because according to him, toilets are places where evil jinns reside. He doesn't want toilets to be the place where people just dump all their shit. So, where the hell will the students dump their shit? And if its not called a toilet, will the jinns just emigrate elsewhere to any place called toilet? Damn, I am confused by his profound knowledge man.
Then, omgwtf. I just got striked by blue lightning! Goddamnit! Prefects sure kena in that f*cking committee! Oh no! Then, I seriously prayed to every God imaginable, Jesus, Allah, Buddha whatever whatever, never mind the religion, as long as I don't get involved!! ( nothing racists there )
Well, during Sukantara, the HEM talked to the head prefect. The head prefect then came and find me and said.. " Leslie, saya lantik awak jadi Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tandas " Then, I almost fainted. Wtf, I said NO immediately. Apparently he was just jesting, but I cannot take that kind of joke man...
Now the ketua kumpulan for each prefect group is chosen as the four AJK tertinggi AJK tandas. Well normally I would say bless them, but since three out of four are assholes, forget it.
Toilet committee, when the toilet condition in HSBP rivals that to Seri Medan school where students can rest and eat in the toilet... then the newsletter will read :
Kadar Ponteng Meningkat,
Pelajar Makan Sambil Berak,
AJK Tandas sangat kuat,
Tandas, Najis semua dihapus kelak!
Wow, first monthly exam! Usually in High School, my personal opinion of first monthly test? Easy like shit man... That proved true for 4 years in High School and 6 years in Primary School. 10 years of results shattered in my last year in High School WTF?
Well, for starters, physics was relatively easy, add maths was relatively easy ( for once for me ), EST well duh me and zhi wei were laughing and joking throughout the test.. and others were also easy.
But when it came to bio paper, the whole class screamed and writhed and groaned and moaned and howled and yelped and (whatever other words there in the thesaurus that is same with these words) in agony. Dang it! Teacher was understanding, but still no copying -_-" She tried to console us omgwtf by saying she will be very very lenient.. God Bless her! Damn nice lar that teacher, but she obviously had high expectations of my class, 5 Science 1, and sad to say seems like we failed to live up to that expectations. Heh, Zhi Wei was in such a good mood that morning ( reasons known, but private and confidential ) and he told Mr. Diva, our english teacher 'Sir, I am in a very good mood today, and I intend to spread the joy around the class!' Then, came the biology paper. Zhi Wei went 'OMGWTF FF F F F F F F!!!!!!' F = F*ck! Then, he became depressed, the Zhi Wei I really know. LoL...
Then, came the Moral exams. Omg strike two ( for me ). Heh, serves me right for not memorising the so-called-goddamned-hypocritical values and its definition. And the teacher, a teacher for Jaafar sports house ( of which I am treasurer to ), she enjoys scolding me for not collecting money, and half the house, wait, is three quarters of the house money is collected by her. When I collect.. 'Tak bawak duit' lar.. "Tak de duit makan" lar.. 'Tak datang" lar.. but when she collect she throws stacks of RM200 by RM200 at me. Wtf? So she enjoys scolding me after doing my work. And she HAD THAT SADISTIC SMIRK on her face as she watched me struggle with my paper for the entire half-hour. -_-"
Exams this year are no trivial matter, as Leslie would put it, Its very trivial so no need do. But then, SPM is not trivial, it's just annoying. Like a fly, when its time comes, it arrives and dies. Man, what wouldn't I give up ( except maybe a date with Amber Chia.. or Jessica Alba.. or Kate Beckinsale? ) just to not take SPM and still get a slip with straight A1s :P
Well, for starters, physics was relatively easy, add maths was relatively easy ( for once for me ), EST well duh me and zhi wei were laughing and joking throughout the test.. and others were also easy.
But when it came to bio paper, the whole class screamed and writhed and groaned and moaned and howled and yelped and (whatever other words there in the thesaurus that is same with these words) in agony. Dang it! Teacher was understanding, but still no copying -_-" She tried to console us omgwtf by saying she will be very very lenient.. God Bless her! Damn nice lar that teacher, but she obviously had high expectations of my class, 5 Science 1, and sad to say seems like we failed to live up to that expectations. Heh, Zhi Wei was in such a good mood that morning ( reasons known, but private and confidential ) and he told Mr. Diva, our english teacher 'Sir, I am in a very good mood today, and I intend to spread the joy around the class!' Then, came the biology paper. Zhi Wei went 'OMGWTF FF F F F F F F!!!!!!' F = F*ck! Then, he became depressed, the Zhi Wei I really know. LoL...
Then, came the Moral exams. Omg strike two ( for me ). Heh, serves me right for not memorising the so-called-goddamned-hypocritical values and its definition. And the teacher, a teacher for Jaafar sports house ( of which I am treasurer to ), she enjoys scolding me for not collecting money, and half the house, wait, is three quarters of the house money is collected by her. When I collect.. 'Tak bawak duit' lar.. "Tak de duit makan" lar.. 'Tak datang" lar.. but when she collect she throws stacks of RM200 by RM200 at me. Wtf? So she enjoys scolding me after doing my work. And she HAD THAT SADISTIC SMIRK on her face as she watched me struggle with my paper for the entire half-hour. -_-"
Exams this year are no trivial matter, as Leslie would put it, Its very trivial so no need do. But then, SPM is not trivial, it's just annoying. Like a fly, when its time comes, it arrives and dies. Man, what wouldn't I give up ( except maybe a date with Amber Chia.. or Jessica Alba.. or Kate Beckinsale? ) just to not take SPM and still get a slip with straight A1s :P
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Well I just watched Underworld on my computer, and just couldn't resist writing a review on it. Yeah I know, I am late a couple of years, but consider it to refresh your memories for the sequel, Underworld : Revolution coming soon :D
Here's the synopsis ( if only I am this hardworking when doing my literature -_- ) : Vampires and Werewolves have been fighting for centuries, with the cause unknown. Then, one young and very very beautiful vampire named Selene ( Kate Beckinsale ) uncovers that the werewolves were following a young man. She then awakens the Vampire Elder, Viktor to seek help because the other vampires did not believe her. Well, whatever your enemy wants, surely it isn't something good to you right? Then the young man is bitten by the lycan Lucian, and is tossed around sides like a volleyball. Then, they fall in love.. Oh yeah, that chap's name is Michael. Then, it turned out he is the direct descendant of Lucian and Viktor's daughter, a hybrid of half-vampire and half-werewolf. Viktor was so scared of him that he wanted to kill Michael, then Selene bit Michael again. Then he transform into a werevampire then they fight. Then Selene took Viktor's sword and sliced his head clean clean into two. Cool! The following is when another Vampire Elder, Marcus wakes up and hunt Selene and Michael I think.
Well, I rate it 8½ out of 10. Kind of expected swords, teeths and whips, instead they mostly used guns and pistols. And the vampires were dressed in a gothic way which appeals to me a lot :D They just look so cool! And Kate Beckinsale looks hot in tights :P Anyway, interesting twist to the story. You see, in the beginning you( or rather, I think ) think that vampires are the good guys somehow, and the werewolves are the bad guys. Then in the end, you find that the werewolves are the good guys and the vampire are the bad guys, but actually they are both not good not bad, just feuding.
Definitely a must-watch! Waiting in anticipation for Underworld : Revolution.
Oh yeah, on a side note : I downloaded the movie via bittorrent into my computer, 750MB at 22 hours. People scolded me for being stupid, why not buy the CD. Well, first, I always leave my computer on, so when not using ( and when using ) why not let the connection do something? And besides, I can never get to use the TV. Its always cartoon lar, soaps lar, news lar, sports lar.. where got time when nobody is watching?
Now I am downloading Gladiator, an even older movie that I wanted to watch long ago. 1.4 GB at 50 hours, wtf? And this time, no, I can't find the CD, not in Batu Pahat. Luckily I have reserved the entire D drive, which is about 20GB in memory for my torrent files and english essays :D
750MB for 2 hours show, 1.4GB makes it 4½ hours omgwtf!!!!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Tag, You're It!
Well, this stupid tag thing has got me scratching my head thinking of what to reply. And what the HELL? I got tagged twice by my very 'GREAT' friends ( Aisyah and Zhi Wei ). Well, the first thing is : Name five of the world's simple pleasures that you like most.. don't copy and be original. So, here goes
1 . Sex
2. Sex
3. Sex
4. Sex
5. Sex
Eh? Wrong list sorry... This is the right one..
1. Reading a great book when i should be studying
2. Playing my computer games when i should be doing my homework
3. Chatting on the MSN when i am supposed to be doing my revision
4. Laughing sadistically at Zhi Wei and Christopher when they get misfortune THEN only help them
5. Listening to music while sleeping
(make it 6)
6. Sleeping while doing revision
7. Driving like a mad fool
(I know i said 6, but how about 8 instead? Auspicious number mah)
8. Somehow manage to finish my homework and then laugh at Heng Leng, who did not waste time like me but still cannot finish. AHAHAAHHA!
Well, the next is something like a dream partner.. Name 8 characteristics about them. No wrong list this time.
Of course is female, don't act dumb.
Well, here's what i think she should be.
1. Hot like Jessica Alba
2. Hot like Amber Chia
Eh, shit lar -_- wrong again..
1. Sweet, wholesome, pretty and beautiful ( but not too beautiful, so long as not an eye sore. I cannot stand beautiful girls, though i DO stand when around beautiful girls)
2. Have a figure like Amber Chia. 32-25-35!!!!!
3. Loves animals and the Earth
4. Erm.. about the same height as me, not too tall.. about 170 will do :D definitely not taller than me -_-!!!
5. Able to tolerate me and my nonsense and of course, accepts my theory of Hell and Creation and able to give thoughts of her own
6. I want her to have a backbone, not those cowering damn obedient people. My dog (nonexistent yet, soon when i get my own pad :D ) can provide those.
7. Must be a better cook than my mother (omgwtf, almost impossible)
8. Erm, likes to read like me? Then can have a library at home and spend all the time *ahem* reading. And if somehow got kids, then by hell make sure they read properly, then only can laugh at Malaysian's level of English.
Can I have more instead of 8? Nah.. forget it..
Wahlau.. damn sui man..
1 . Sex
2. Sex
3. Sex
4. Sex
5. Sex
Eh? Wrong list sorry... This is the right one..
1. Reading a great book when i should be studying
2. Playing my computer games when i should be doing my homework
3. Chatting on the MSN when i am supposed to be doing my revision
4. Laughing sadistically at Zhi Wei and Christopher when they get misfortune THEN only help them
5. Listening to music while sleeping
(make it 6)
6. Sleeping while doing revision
7. Driving like a mad fool
(I know i said 6, but how about 8 instead? Auspicious number mah)
8. Somehow manage to finish my homework and then laugh at Heng Leng, who did not waste time like me but still cannot finish. AHAHAAHHA!
Well, the next is something like a dream partner.. Name 8 characteristics about them. No wrong list this time.
Of course is female, don't act dumb.
Well, here's what i think she should be.
1. Hot like Jessica Alba
2. Hot like Amber Chia
Eh, shit lar -_- wrong again..
1. Sweet, wholesome, pretty and beautiful ( but not too beautiful, so long as not an eye sore. I cannot stand beautiful girls, though i DO stand when around beautiful girls)
2. Have a figure like Amber Chia. 32-25-35!!!!!
3. Loves animals and the Earth
4. Erm.. about the same height as me, not too tall.. about 170 will do :D definitely not taller than me -_-!!!
5. Able to tolerate me and my nonsense and of course, accepts my theory of Hell and Creation and able to give thoughts of her own
6. I want her to have a backbone, not those cowering damn obedient people. My dog (nonexistent yet, soon when i get my own pad :D ) can provide those.
7. Must be a better cook than my mother (omgwtf, almost impossible)
8. Erm, likes to read like me? Then can have a library at home and spend all the time *ahem* reading. And if somehow got kids, then by hell make sure they read properly, then only can laugh at Malaysian's level of English.
Can I have more instead of 8? Nah.. forget it..
Wahlau.. damn sui man..
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Wisdom tooth. I have two. What more can I say? I named them lefty and righty. At the moment, lefty is growing fast, and is pushing my gum up so when i chew, I press against the gum all the time, causing it to be painful. I am only wondering why is Righty so inactive now, but what the heck, as if i want it to be active.
Hopefully they grow straight and are not homo tooth. Or else extracting them will be an excruciating experience, which my brother describes it as '1 month MC'. Heh, damnit lar, I must be a sage to have that much wisdom in my tooth alone.
Anyway, been reading Aisyah's post, and from there got Angel's post, 2 weeks just to recover from extracting. 1 month alright.
Appears that my brother also had wisdom tooth, but they went straight up. Man, don't i wish that mine goes straight too!
Hopefully they grow straight and are not homo tooth. Or else extracting them will be an excruciating experience, which my brother describes it as '1 month MC'. Heh, damnit lar, I must be a sage to have that much wisdom in my tooth alone.
Anyway, been reading Aisyah's post, and from there got Angel's post, 2 weeks just to recover from extracting. 1 month alright.
Appears that my brother also had wisdom tooth, but they went straight up. Man, don't i wish that mine goes straight too!
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